Report details climate change threat to future stability
The ultimate “threat multiplier,” climate change is increasing the challenges facing the U.S. development, diplomatic and security communities, according to a new report co-authored by Geoff Dabelko, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs professor and director of the Environmental Studies program.
“A New Climate for Peace: Taking Action on Climate and Fragility Risks,” is an independent report commissioned by the members of the G7, which identifies seven compound climate-fragility risks that pose serious threats to stability in the decades ahead. Based on a thorough assessment of existing policies, the report recommends that the G7 take concrete actions to tackle climate-fragility risks and increase the resilience of states and societies.
“This report is significant for going beyond questions of climate change and conflict links to identify a wider range of critical climate change and fragility connections that fits squarely on foreign policy agendas,” Dabelko said. “The analysis matches these compound risks with ongoing policy initiatives and suggests ways to advance climate change, development and peacebuilding efforts.” Dabelko serves as a senior advisor to the Environmental Change and Security Program at the Wilson Center, a member of the international consortium that produced the report and an ongoing partner of the Voinovich School.
The U.S. launch of a “New Climate for Peace” will be Monday, June 22, 2015 from 3 -5 p.m. at the Wilson Center in Washington D.C., where leaders from development, diplomatic, and security communities, along with the report’s coauthors will explore how these climate-fragility challenges are changing the way the United States and its partners work. Report authors will also identify opportunities for joint actions.
Registration for the event and/or an accompanying live webcast is located at The report, along with an associated blog, can be found at