Ramp Up to Instruction workshops to be offered in August

Each year, Ohio University’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) offers programming to support faculty as they ramp up to instruction.
The CTLA’s Ramp Up to Instruction workshop makes available dedicated time to implement valuable refinements to upcoming semester courses. The workshop consists of two sessions over two days. Instructors may choose between an online or face-to-face version.
Day 1 of the workshop
Day 1 focuses on the critical topic of student engagement and how increasing engagement might help learners address the most crucial or challenging topics and tasks in a course. The second day focuses on instructional, module and assignment design informed by first-day efforts. Participants are welcome to attend either or both sessions.
During Ramp Up Day 1: A Focus on Student Engagement, participants will:
- Define student engagement and ways of measuring engagement.
- Connect student engagement to student sense of belonging and student learning.
- Review evidence-based strategies for increasing student engagement in their courses.
- Determine the engagement strategies most relevant to their upcoming courses.
- Consider how to increase student engagement around the most crucial learning tasks in their courses
Day 2 of the workshop
Day 2 offers a block of time to focus on the actual design or refinement of course activities. Participants will review their semester plans with a focus on transparency and accessibility of activities.
During Ramp Up Day 2: Delivering Transparent and Effective Instruction, they will:
- Design or evaluate their planned activities with the frameworks of Transparency in Teaching and Learning (TILT) and University Design for Learning (UDL) in mind.
- Check for alignment of course activities, assignments, and assessments with course learning outcomes.
- Evaluate their Canvas or Blackboard course for support of student learning.
- Check their course syllabi for required and recommended components.
Register for the workshop sessions
The Online Ramp Up to Instruction workshop will be offered via Teams, and take place Monday, Aug. 19, and Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 2 to 4 p.m.
- Ramp Up Day 1: A Focus on Student Engagement online registration
- Ramp Up Day 2: Delivering Transparent and Effective Instruction online registration
The In-person Ramp Up to Instruction workshop will be in the CTLA Collaboratory on the first floor of McGuffey Hall, and take place Monday, Aug. 19, and Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Ramp Up Day 1: A Focus on Student Engagement in-person registration
- Ramp Up Day 2: Delivering Transparent and Effective Instruction in person registration
For more information or assistance with registration, please contact ctla@ohio.edu.