Students invited to information sessions for study abroad in Northern Ireland, South Africa

The College of Arts and Sciences announces information sessions for two law-related study abroad programs: Human Rights, Law & Justice in Northern Ireland over spring break 2024 and Law, Justice & Transitions to Democracy in South Africa for two weeks in May 2024.
Both programs will be discussed at the following sessions, Northern Ireland in the first half hour and South Africa in the second half hour:
- In-person information session: Thursday, Sept. 7, from 5 to 6 p.m. in Bentley 124
- Virtual information session: Monday, Sept. 25, from 6-7 p.m. on Microsoft Teams
For more information about either program, contact program directors Dr. Haley Duschinski, professor of anthropology and graduate director at Center for Law, Justice & Culture, or Larry Hayman, Esq., director of legal engagement and the pre-law program in the Center for Law, Justice & Culture.
About Human Rights, Law & Justice in Northern Ireland, Spring Break
Students will explore the legacy of the conflict known as "the Troubles" through interactions with human rights lawyers, ex-political prisoners, victims associations, and restorative justice practitioners. This immersive program combines law, culture, history and politics into a unique and engaging experience.
Students will earn OHIO credit for a course that focuses on the post-conflict transition of Northern Ireland after its long legacy of violence and human rights abuses. Students will learn about the current peace-building efforts through on-site activities and interactions.
The 3-credit hour course, ANTH 4620, is open to undergraduate students in all majors and departments. It counts toward the anthropology major and minor; the Law, Justice & Culture Certificate; and the War and Peace Studies Certificate.
Graduate students can register for the graduate section, ANTH 5620, for 4 credit hours.
About Law, Justice & Transitions to Democracy in South Africa, May 2024
This program provides a comprehensive understanding of the South African legal system in its cultural and political context. Students explore South Africa's history of apartheid -- including legalized racial segregation, discrimination and violence as well as the political uprisings, resistance movements and legal mobilizations that sought to establish truth and accountability through transitional justice processes.
Students will focus on Nelson Mandela and his legacies as well as the complexities of truth, justice and memorialization, with special attention to topics such as human rights, constitutional law, criminal law and international law. Through pre-departure study and on-site experience, students learn about the diverse legal frameworks that exist in South Africa as well as the socio-political issues that have shaped the country’s past, present and future.
The program culminates in a moot court experience that allows students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program.
In spring semester, students enroll in one 7-week course that runs from March 18 to May 4. Undergraduates can choose between ANTH 4590 Legal Anthropology in South Africa (3 credits), or SOC 4940 Research Problems in Sociology in South Africa (3 credits). Graduate students will enroll in ANTH 5590 Legal Anthropology in South Africa (4 credits).
In summer semester, students enroll in one capstone experience that runs from May 11-26. Undergraduates will enroll in LJC 4945 Externship in Law, Justice & Culture in South Africa (1 credit), and graduate students will take LJC 6930 Independent Study in Law, Justice & Culture in South Africa (1 credit).