News and Announcements

Professional Development Pathways Announce New Opportunities

Professional Development Pathways (PDP) is happy to announce that the following professional development opportunities are now available:

New Course: Higher Education Business Model

This new e-Learning course allows participants to examine the financial models of higher education institutions, the external challenges facing higher education institutions, and the implications of these challenges at Ohio University.  This is a core course for the Accounting Pathway, and a general elective for the Purchasing Pathway.

To register for this course, use the following registration link:

Women's Center Courses: Summer Schedule

The PDP Program is pleased to announce that the following Women’s Center courses have been scheduled for summer sessions.

To register for these courses, use the following registration links:

Supervisory Skills Pathway

This new Pathway program is designed for Ohio University staff and faculty seeking to develop their skills as supervisors.  It is designed to build specialized knowledge and skills to help participants:

  • Identify the role of supervisors and respond to key challenges associated with supervising people.
  • Actively engage teams in problem-solving and workplace improvement opportunities.
  • Clarify expectations, provide feedback, and build coaching relationships.
  • Actively listen to and effectively communicate with others.
  • Navigate challenges and effectively transition to new leadership roles.

To register for this Pathway, use the following registration link:

To receive immediate updates when new sessions and courses are added to the Professional Development Pathways program, fill out the following form:


June 8, 2021
Staff reports