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Current Issue

The cover of an issue of "Childhood in Africa"

Current Issue

Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Spring 2017

ISSN 1948-6502 (online)


Dear Readers of Childhood in Africa,

In times like these I remember the words of Lester Brown, World Watch Institute founder and MacArthur Fellowship laureate, “the worst thing we can do about Africa is to lose hope.” Hope pushed us to found the Institute for the African Child at Ohio University and this journal. And compounding our difficulties in publishing an issue of Childhood in Africa, it remains the only scholarly and accessible journal of its kind on this topic.

This special issue of Childhood in Africa, “Social Justice for Children and Youth in East Africa,” was guest edited by Dr. Kristen Cheney and Dr. Auma Okwany of the International Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands. Their patience as I worked to get this issue to press is only exceeded by their commitment to these crucial issues in child protection and welfare in East Africa. I am grateful to them for this important contribution.

We have also included a special report, Socio- cultural determinants for the adoption of essential family practices in Madagascar (2016), in this issue. We hope our readers find it useful.

On behalf of our editorial team, I apologize for the irregularity of this journal. The Institute for the African Child will soon be 20 years old- my baby has had a challenging youth- and we need to find ways to sustain it through to adulthood. Your ideas for funding and sponsoring this journal would be received with great thanks. We hope you find this special issue useful.


Steve Howard

Founder, Institute for the African Child and editor, Childhood in Africa

Director, Center for International Studies

Professor, Scripps College of Communication, Ohio University

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