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Within the Community

Within the Community

As an on-campus resident, you are an integral part of a larger community beyond the confines of your assigned room and hall. Your daily life intertwines with that of your fellow residents, and their actions can significantly impact you, just as yours can affect them. It is of utmost importance to remain conscientious of your actions and be well-informed about what is allowed and what is not within our community.

In the following sections, we outline specific community policies that guide our shared living environment. These policies are designed to promote safety, respect, and harmony among all residents and ensure that our living spaces are conducive to both personal growth and academic success. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines, as adherence to them contributes to a positive and enriching living experience for everyone.

Animals and Pets

  • All animals, except for fish, are prohibited in residence halls. This prohibition includes frogs, turtles, geckos, and other tank dwelling animals.
  • Possession of fish tanks over 10 gallons is prohibited.
  • No animals are allowed to “visit” residence halls at any time.
  • The prohibition of pets in residence halls does not apply to a student with a disability that requires the use of a service or approved assistance animal. Students with service or assistance animals should contact Student Accessibility Services for accommodations at 740.593.2620. Assistance animals must not be brought into the residence halls until the approval process is complete.
  • If an unauthorized animal or pet is found in the residence hall, in-hall staff will ask for the animal to be removed from the building. If the animal is not removed, in-hall staff will contact Environmental Health and Safety to help in finding a place outside of the residence hall for the animal.

Computer and Internet Usage

  • Ohio University provides wireless coverage in all residence hall rooms.
  • Any wireless device installed by a student that interferes with the Ohio University’s wireless network will have its network port disabled and the owner of the device will be asked to remove the device. Repeated violations could result in the loss of internet privileges and a conduct referral.
  • Items emitting a wireless signal (printers, game consoles, etc.) should have wireless broadcasting set to Off. If you experience issues using the wireless network in your room, please contact the Office of Information Technology at 740.593.1222.
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Programs: Ohio University may restrict the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing on the campus network (e.g., Bittorrent). P2P software may only be used for legal sharing of non-copyrighted material. All other uses of P2P software will result in the loss of network privileges. Unless you are certain that you are using the software legitimately, it is important that you remove the P2P software from your computer before connecting to the Ohio University network. Many of these programs will share copyrighted files without your knowledge. If these programs are not removed, those computers will be automatically removed from the network.

Face Coverings

Residential students must comply with all face covering policies set forth by Ohio University.

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with legitimate directives of Ohio University officials (including Housing and Residence Life staff), law enforcement, or emergency personnel in the performance of their duties including failure to identify oneself when so requested, is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

For more information consult the Code of Conduct.

Fire Safety

Due to fire safety, the following activities and items are prohibited:

  • Starting a fire, activating a fire alarm without due cause, or falsely reporting a fire to University or emergency response officials
  • Tampering, destroying, damaging, covering, or misusing emergency or safety equipment (e.g., smoke/heat detectors, microwave Safe-T Sensor, fire extinguishers, or sprinkler heads). Report any suspected problem with your smoke detector or other fire safety equipment to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (740.593.1666) or to your Housing and Residence Life staff.
  • Covering or disconnecting room smoke detectors for any reason. If this is found in a room, OUPD will be notified.
  • Failure to evacuate or reentering into a building without authorization by University or emergency response officials during a fire alarm or drill.


Residents must keep their noise at an acceptable and courteous level at all hours of the day. Unacceptable noise levels are defined as “any noise that can be heard outside of the residence hall or exterior community spaces.” This includes, but is not limited to yelling, pounding on walls, windows and floors, amplified sound, playing musical instruments, and bass from subwoofers. Noise that interferes with the study or sleep of others is prohibited. Failing to comply with quiet hours is prohibited.

Quiet hours are defined as: 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday-Thursday, 12 a.m. (midnight) to 10 a.m. Friday-Saturday, and 24 hours during the week of finals.

Gambling and Games of Chance

Under Ohio law, when a person pays to play a game of chance (including poker) in hopes of winning a prize, the game qualifies as illegal gambling, unless the tournament organizers meet specific criteria and follow specific rules contained in the Ohio Revised Code. Please see the RD/GRD/ARD of your building/complex for more information.

For more information consult the Code of Conduct.

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct, abuse, harassment, exploitation, intimidation, stalking, or coercion is prohibited.

For more information consult the Code of Conduct.

Smoking and Vaping

OHIO is a smoke and tobacco free campus. This policy encourages a green and clean environment, prepares our students for other tobacco-free environments in their future, and can be a source of OHIO pride in supporting a major wellness initiative.

Smoking and vaping of any kind, including e-cigarettes (e.g., JUUL), is prohibited in residence halls, in entryways, on South Green Catwalks, or within 25 feet of residential facilities.

The use of tobacco or smoking products is defined as, “all nicotine, tobacco-derived or containing products, and plant- based products including, but not limited to, cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spit less, smokeless, chew, snuff).”

Personal possession and use of cannabis under certain circumstances for those over the age of 21 is now allowed in the State of Ohio. However, as required by federal law, the Ohio University policy on cannabis will not change. You cannot use or possess any form of cannabis including recreational or medical anywhere on Ohio University property or University-Sponsored events. 

The physical location of a smoke and tobacco-free campus is defined as facilities, property, and grounds used to carry out the mission of the university. This will also extend to sidewalks adjacent to university buildings and grounds in keeping with the city policy of property owners’ responsibility for sidewalks. Smoking and tobacco use in personal vehicles on university property will not be allowed.

For more information see the Tobacco-Free Initiative webpage.


  • Unauthorized motorized vehicles outside of any designated parking zones are prohibited.
  • Maintenance of motorized vehicles in residential communities is prohibited.
  • Motor vehicles in unauthorized parking zones will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Motorcycles (including mopeds and scooters) are allowed only on the streets. They are not permitted on residential greens, in university garages, or in the residence halls. They must be registered with Parking Services and parked in designated motorcycle parking areas.