January 2024 Updates Q&A - President Gonzalez

Moving forward how do you see the University prioritize wellness (mental, physical, emotional, financial, and social) for both its students and employees?

This is such an important issue and topic for all universities, including OHIO. I appreciate the way you have framed wellness as reaching beyond mental and physical health to also include issues of compensation and community care. I expect all of these will be significant topics of discussion for the Commit group working on our Dynamic Strategy as they develop goals related to our employee culture, as well as potentially for the Educate group as they consider the student experience. I would encourage you to engage in their outreach as they develop goals.

In this broad context I see wellness not as a single priority but as a perspective that will inform many of our priorities moving forward. It is a need we have to meet in order to ensure student success, drive innovation and collaboration, and ultimately fulfill our educational mission.