Education Career Fair to be held April 3

Ohio University’s Center for Advising, Career, and Experiential Learning (ACE) will host the Education Career Fair from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April. 3, in the Ping Recreation Center.
Each year, hundreds of Ohio University students and alumni meet and network with potential schools and school district employers across the country with over 70 hiring organizations. The employment event is free to all students and alumni who would like to attend.
“The Education Career Fair is unique as it is the only career fair with immediate job offers. Student can walk in without a job, interview with multiple school districts, and leave hired with a contract,” said Aaron Sturgill, who is the executive director for career readiness.
Students attending the fair can expect more than 70 employers from many educational institutions such as higher educational programs, K-12 academies, as well as magnet and public schools.
Opportunities for majors outside of the Patton College of Education will also be included, such as employment in speech pathology, intervention specialists, social work, computer science, counseling, psychology services and more.
The ACE staff is available to help students get the most out of the career fair, offering opportunities for career advising and networking. Each student should have their resume reviewed and printed out in multiple copies before the event. Current and previous Bobcats can also schedule a mock interview, which could help students prepare for their interviews and receive immediate feedback on their delivery.
Attendees should review the organizations attending the event on Handshake and the specific institution's website so students can plan and prioritize which institutions they would be interested in speaking with before the event.
Registration for the Education Career Fair is not required.
The ACE staff recommends that all attendees dress in a business casual outfit as students will be meeting directly with potential employers and representatives. If needed, all students are welcome and encouraged to visit the career closet in the ACE at Baker 417.
For more information on the upcoming Education Career Fair, visit Handshake or contact the Center for Advising, Career, and Experiential Learning via email at career@ohio.edu.