Logan Spence
Specializations: Rhetorical theory, power, myth, nostalgia, capitalism.
Logan Spence studies rhetoric and rhetorical theory. He is primarily interested in understanding power structures and the various ways it influences the proletariat. For his rhetorical research, he is interested in understanding myth and nostalgia and how they are linked to capitalism, Burke’s dramatism critiques, and his purification process to understand the motives behind texts and other rhetors. Moreover, he often infuses neo-Marxist theory (e.g., Gramsci and Lukacs) into his rhetorical critiques to dissect how the capitalist superstructure imprisons the proletariat and find ways to influence them to revolt against the bourgeoisie. He sees his rhetorical critiques as more than just academic jargon. Instead, he uses them for the benefit of those that require tools to trounce their oppressors and the system that creates the ruling class (bourgeoisie).