Matthew deTar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Schoonover Center 427
email address
phone number 740-597-3328

Specialization: Representation, Tropology, and the Limits of Discourse; Circulation and Cultural Theory; Collective Identity; Ethnicity and Nationalism; Public Memory; Human Rights

Matthew deTar is Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Public Culture at Ohio University. He completed his PhD at Northwestern University (2012). His research focuses on concepts in public discourse that produce national identity and political action, focusing particularly on the Middle East and Central Asia. He teaches and researches on international human rights discourse, public memory, and visual rhetoric. His work has appeared in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Journal of Contemporary Thought, and Advances in the History of Rhetoric. His research has been supported by the Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy at Willamette University, the Institute for Turkish Studies at Georgetown University and the Roberta Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies at Northwestern University.

deTar CV (PDF)