23.055: Chalking




February 8, 2012

Initiated by:

Kent J. Smith, Jr. | Vice President for Student Affairs

Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy serves to balance individuals' and groups' free speech rights with the university's property rights.

    Chalking, as a form of promotion and expression, is allowed on the Ohio university campus, subject to the restrictions specified in part (B) of this policy.

  2. Guidelines and consequences

    Chalking is limited to student organizations that are registered with the center for student engagement and leadership, Ohio university departments, faculty and staff members, and individual registered students.

    Those wishing to chalk must comply with the following guidelines:

    1. Only water-soluble stick type chalk (sidewalk chalk) is allowed. Absolutely no spray chalk, markers, paints (latex or oil-based), or similar products may be used.
    2. Chalking is allowed only on horizontal surfaces (e.g., sidewalks, streets, etc.):
      1. That are in open areas;
      2. That are not covered by an overhang; and
      3. That can reasonably be expected to be reached by rain.
    3. No chalking is allowed on vertical surfaces. This includes buildings, walls, benches, picnic tables, signs, poles, the monument on college green, newspaper boxes, columns, mailboxes, light poles, trees, etc.
    4. Chalking is allowed only on concrete or asphalt ("black-top"). With the exception of Morton hill, absolutely no chalking is allowed on bricks (e.g., sidewalk, street, patio, etc.) or stone.
    5. This policy provides permission for chalking on university property only.

    Individuals or organizations violating this policy will be held financially responsible for the cost of clean-up; may be referred to the office of community standards and student responsibility or the Ohio university police department; and may be subject to civil or criminal charges (e.g., vandalism), in addition to discipline under the student or employee disciplinary process appropriate to the nature of their relationship to the university.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Dean of Students
  2. Associate Vice President for Facilities
  3. Director, Student Organizations and Programming, Center for Student Engagement and Leadership
  4. Student Senate
  5. Graduate Student Senate