ADS FAQ - Navigation and Usage

Navigation & General Usage Questions

How do I clear filters?

Non-required filters can be cleared by selecting and deselecting the “all” option in the dropdown. Make sure to click “Apply” after making your selections. Some filters require at least one selection and cannot be cleared completely. You can also click the “Revert” button at the top to clear all filters and return the dashboard to its default selections.

Is there a way to clear all filters at once, or do you have to clear each one separately?

Click the “Revert” button (the left arrow with vertical line icon) to return the dashboard to its default filters.

What is the difference between Revert and Refresh?

Revert returns the dashboard to its default set of filters. Refresh brings in new updated information from the data source if any changes have been made.

Can I create a personalized "default" view of a dashboard?

If you have a view or certain filters that you look at often, you can save that view by clicking on the “View” button at the top of the screen, entering a title for your custom view, and clicking save.