ADS FAQ - Data, Dashboard, Content questions

Data, Dashboard, & Content Questions

What content areas are available?

Currently, ADS provides four key content areas: Admissions, Enrollment, Faculty, and Student Success. We are continually developing and rolling out new content.

How do I stay up to date on the latest ADS updates?

If you are a licensed ADS user who has completed the training you should be on the list for the monthly ADS user group meetings, if not send us an email and we will add you.

How should I expect OBI counts to compare to these ADS information?

OBI and ADS data will almost never match, this is intentional. OBI data is based on snapshots at census and end of term, meaning those numbers will not change at a later date. ADS data is live and updated nightly, which means data may change daily, and is a live picture of the university data as of today. For more information, please view the help video "ADS background and HC partnership" for information on how OBI and ADS differ, or read the "What Is ADS?" help guide. 

When is this data updated?

Data used in ADS are Refreshed nightly for the majority of the content areas. Some dashboards are not refreshed nightly: these will display the date of the data snapshot.

Is the data used in ADS census or end-of-term?

ADS analyses are based on what is presently in the system as of the current day in the term. Official snapshots of Census and End of term will be added in future improvements

Are Graduate Student Admissions analyses available in ADS?

Graduate and Medical Student Admissions dashboards are not yet available but currently in development.

Why isn’t summer data included in the enrollment trends?

Summer enrollment reports are still available through OBIEE subject areas, so they have not been included in the current version of ADS. Future dashboards will likely be created specifically for summer enrollment.

What is the difference between Headcount and Primary Campus Headcount?

Headcount shows any student who is enrolled on that class campus--class campus is the campus that hosts the class. Primary Campus Headcount is our deduplicated count of students by their Primary Campus.

What does "NULL" mean?

“NULL” means that Data is missing, there is no value. Note that “Null” is not the same as “0”.  The appearance of a NULL is usually by design. (ex- there is no data for a specific set of criteria.) If you encounter a NULL that you believe to be an error please contact us with details. 

Are the comparison trend charts year to date or today compared with final?

Comparisons are all final numbers vs. today for this year.

Why can’t I select individual semesters instead of year over year?

A full-year comparison report with the ability to select individual semesters is not yet available but in plans to be developed.        

Can I see college views with and without HTC students?

HTC Students are currently counted only in HTC. Future development will include them in their host colleges as well with filter options for both.