Business Administration
The HTC program in business offers exceptional students the opportunity to study aspects of business in one-on-one relationships with business faculty members.
Maximum opportunities will be afforded for the student to progress well beyond the material found in conventional courses.
Recent topics that students have investigated include sustainable business practices, socially responsible investing, the slow food movement, budgeting in varsity athletics, and female entrepreneurs. Students will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from the Honors Tutorial College.
Business Tutorials
Students are required to complete eight tutorials within The College of Business, including two devoted to the thesis. The first several tutorials are organized as small seminars. This develops a strong team dynamic among the students. The first seminar introduces students to a variety of important business concepts and functions. The next seminar teaches students about entrepreneurship and developing new business ideas. A student will normally select other tutorials from his or her major area of interest.
In addition to the tutorials, the student must complete courses in freshman composition, math, core business courses not covered by tutorials, and an appropriate number of approved electives. Internships and/or study abroad may be included within the program with special permission from the Director of Studies (credit will be given only once). Honors Tutorial students take a minimum of 15 hours per semester.
Advising and Monitoring
Each student receives ongoing advice from the Director of Studies regarding selection and sequencing of courses, choice of a thesis advisor, and other procedural matters. A committee is composed of the Director of Studies and the Advisor will monitor the thesis work.
A typical tutorial will meet on a weekly basis for a minimum of one hour. The student and the tutor will discuss the current reading and written assignments, discuss problems and solutions, debate and offer critical analysis, and the tutor continuously evaluates the progress of the student. A final grade is made based on many facets of evaluation available to the tutor: written assignments, written exams, oral exams, discussions, presentations by the student, field work, etc.
The Honors Thesis
The Honors Thesis is a reflection of the student's special interests. It is expected that this major paper will constitute work of the highest quality in investigating a problem of concern to both scholars and practitioners. Although an intensive study of relevant theoretical and research literatures is the underpinning of the thesis, students are encouraged to augment this scholarly base with field data whenever possible.
Students are selected by the Director of Studies of the Business Tutorial Program and the Honors Tutorial College on the basis of superior ability and sustained motivation.
An interview with a representative of the College of Business is required for acceptance into our program. Applications are due November 15th.
Director of Studies

Professor, Dr. Raymond Frost
(740) 597-2902
Copeland 214F
Ph.D., Business Administration: University of Miami, 1992
M.S., Computer Science: University of Miami, 1986
B.A., Philosophy: Swarthmore College, 1983
Scholarly Interests
Dr. Frost’s research interests include electronic commerce, database design, and pedagogy.
Selected Publications
Books he has co-authored include E-Marketing (2011), Business Information Systems: Design an App for That (2011), Game Dynamics in Education: Early Results and Future Plans (2011), and "Nearly wordless techniques for software instruction: increasing comprehension and higher level learning" (2010).