Kelly Weikle
Specializations: Interpersonal communication
Kelly earned her Master’s Degree in Mass Communication from the University of South Carolina and her Bachelor of Science in Journalism, major public relations, from West Virginia University.
Kelly specializes in interpersonal communication, focusing her research on family, health, and identity. She is especially interested in the role of interpersonal communication in the context of motherhood and pregnancy. She teaches undergraduate courses in public speaking and small group communication.
Before pursuing her PhD, Kelly worked in public relations and corporate communication, where she specialized in employee communication across digital platforms. Her professional experience spans several industries and includes work for a state governor, a Fortune 500 company, nonprofit, business, and agency. Her work won several professional awards in the public relations field. In 2016, she was named Young Professional of the Year by the Public Relations Society of America, West Virginia chapter.
Kelly is a passionate reader, writer, and historical enthusiast. She’s the mother of two young children who keep her on her toes and motivate her to do her best and work hard every day. She’s also a fan of NPR, cupcakes, running short distances, and fashion history.