Resources for Educators and Mental Health Professionals
The Ohio University Center for Intervention Research in Schools (CIRS) team offers many resources and support options for educators and mental health professionals. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but it includes help and insight that many educators and mental health professionals have found helpful.
The Daily Report Card
The Daily Report Card (DRC) is the most widely studied and frequently recommended classroom interventions for students with ADHD (U.S. Department of Education, 2008). Studies have documented the efficacy of the DRC when used individually or as part of a multi-component intervention system (Fabiano et al., 2010; Owens et al., 2008; Vannest et al., 2010; Wells et al., 2000).
Learn more about the Daily Report Card, including our recommended steps for implementing a successful Daily Report Card and tips for tracking in the Daily Report Card Online.
Classroom Behavior Support
Through the Classroom Behavior Support (CBS) Project, the OHIO CIRS team supports teachers’ classroom management needs and improve student outcomes. The CIRS team is assessing the effectiveness of several professional development and consultation strategies to determine which best help teachers implement high quality Tier 1 and Tier 2 behavioral supports and produce positive outcomes for students.
The consultation strategies are designed to maximize the delivery of quality classroom interventions within the realities of a school day. Through this project, school districts in Central and Southeast Ohio can obtain individualized consultation for their teachers at no cost to school districts. If you are interested in having your district participate in this project contact
Learn more about the Classroom Behavior Support Project on the CBS page.
Classroom Behavior Support Resources
The CIRS team offers many downloadable resources related to classroom behavior support for educators and mental health professionals. All resources are grouped into two groups: priority strategies and other effective CBS strategies.
Please note: All PDFs are intended for download and print use.
Other Effective CBS Strategies
- ABC’s of Behavior Modification [PDF]
- Additional Resources for Culturally Responsive Practices [PDF]
- Attention Check Questions [PDF]
- Daily Report Card – web page
- De-Escalation and Emotion Regulation [PDF]
- Engaging in a Self-Reflective Process [PDF]
- Giving Effective Instructions [PDF]
- Logical Consequences [PDF]
- Maintenance Strategies [PDF]
- Organization Skills [PDF]
- Parent Engagement [PDF]
- Peer Relationships [PDF]
- Social Skills [PDF]
- Stress Management in the Moment [PDF]
- Stress Management for the Long Term [PDF]
- Student Choice [PDF]
- Take A Break Space [PDF]
- Talking with Your Class About Cultural Differences and Racism [PDF]
- Transitions and Routines [PDF]
- Understanding Tier 1, 1 1/2 and Tier 2 Strategies [PDF]
- Using Time Out in the Classroom [PDF]
Additional Resources
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Returning to School During and After Crisis [PDF]
- Check-In Check-Out (CICO) for Distance Learning [PDF]
- Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide [PDF]
- Ditch the Clip! Why Clip Charts are not a PBIS Practice [PDF]
- Engaging Instruction to Increase Equity in Education [PDF]
- Expectations – Teaching Matrix [PDF]
- Family-School Collaboration [PDF]
- Greetings at the Door [PDF]
- Habits of Effective Classroom Practice [PDF]
- Student-Teacher Game [PDF]
- Supporting and Responding to Behavior [PDF]
Please note: All PDFs are intended for download and print use.
Online Resources
- American Medical Association's Behavioral Health Integration Compendium – Steps for integrating behavioral health care into a clinical practice
- American Psychological Association - Psychology topics
- Child Mind Institute
- Columbus Recovery Center – A resource guide to dealing with depression
- Design Principles for School – Framework for redesigning schools with a focus on supporting students' learning and social and emotional development
- Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
- National Center for School Mental Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMSA's Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center provides information to incorporate evidence-based practices into communities and clinical settings
- Surgeon General You Mental Health Advisory 2021 [PDF]