Standard for HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices


The privacy practices of Ohio University will be described in Ohio University’s Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP).  


This standard will apply to all Ohio University HIPAA Covered Entities. 


  1. The Notice of Privacy Practices will be distributed (1 copy per family unit) to all patients of Ohio University upon admission.
  2. The Notice of Privacy Practices will be revised as needed to reflect any changes in Ohio University’s privacy practices.
  3. Ohio University will distribute a new Notice of Privacy Practices to all patients within sixty (60) days of a material revision to Ohio University’s privacy practices. 
  4. At least once every three (3) years, Ohio University will notify patients of the availability of the Notice of Privacy Practices and provide instructions on obtaining a copy. 
  5. Ohio University will provide the Notice of Privacy Practices to anyone who requests it. 
  6. The HIPAA Privacy Officer will retain copies of the original Notice of Privacy Practices and any subsequent revisions for a period of six (6) years from the date it was last in effect.  



This standard will be reviewed and approved by the University HIPAA Steering Committee, and other key stakeholders in the interest of ensuring the privacy and security of individual’s health information, as deemed appropriate based on the current regulatory requirement mandates.  

Status: Approved

Effective: August 9, 2019