Nominations open for 2023 Konneker Medal for Commercialization and Entrepreneurship

October 11, 2023 The Ohio University Research Division is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Konneker Medal for Commercialization and Entrepreneurship.

From University of Illinois to Ohio University, Matt Ando takes helm at College of Arts and Sciences

October 10, 2023 Matt Ando traded a university sprawled across the prairies of Illinois for one nestled in the foothills of Appalachian Ohio.

OHIO and Kent State researchers propose a set of new evaluation indices for scientific publication quality

October 9, 2023 OHIO's Jixin Chen and Kent State's Hanbin Mao have proposed a set of indices to evaluate the average quality of the publications of each scholar in the online database World Top 2% Scholar.

Researchers' analysis of perching birds points to new answers in evolutionary diversification

October 5, 2023 Charles Darwin had the power of observation. Today, evolutionary biologists have the power of huge data sets and statistical analysis. Their results could change how biologists look at species diversification.

OHIO Professor Haley Duschinski advances scholarship on Kashmir in new book

October 5, 2023 Ohio University’s Haley Duschinski, Professor of Anthropology and Graduate Director of the MA Program in Law, Justice & Culture, has recently published The Palgrave Handbook of New Directions in Kashmir Studies.

OHIO faculty member's look at the mold behind soy sauce as Japan's economic driver wins international best book award

October 5, 2023 Dr. Victoria Lee wins best book award for describing how the science of fermentation — and the microbes at the heart of soy sauce and miso soup — helped drive Japan's economy into the 21st century.

Heritage College researcher receives funding to explore potential treatment for Type 1 diabetes

October 4, 2023 Craig Nunemaker, Ph.D., associate professor, Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Ralph S. Licklider, D.O., Endowed Faculty Fellow in Diabetes and Islet Biology, and principal investigator of the Nunemaker Lab at the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, received funding to research a dual-acting molecule with potential to treat type 1 diabetes.

Measuring social impact: OHIO expands enterprise through Social Return on Investment

October 2, 2023 How did these mid-career graduate students contribute to the work being done by a team of social enterprise researchers?

Sarah Wyatt among 18 scientists leading nation's space research agenda for living on moon, Mars

September 28, 2023 Dr. Sarah Wyatt is one of 18 U.S. scientists who led the formulation of the nation's ambitious 10-year research roadmap to support humans traveling to the moon and Mars.

Ohio University team volunteers to survey historic burial site for preservation

September 21, 2023 Issam Khoury and his team dedicated their expertise to uncover a historic grave site in Jackson County, West Virginia.

Kyle Balzer joins American Enterprise Institute as Jeane Kirkpatrick Fellow

September 15, 2023 Alumnus Kyle Balzer, '22 History Ph.D., starts his new position as a Jeane Kirkpatrick Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

Science Café kicks off Sept. 13 with 'Groundbreaking Research: X-Raying Just One Atom'

September 7, 2023 Science Café kicks off with Dr. Saw Hla discussing "Groundbreaking Research: X-Raying Just One Atom” on Sept. 13, at 5 p.m. in the Baker University Center Front Room and via YouTube.

Ohio University physicists aim to bring artificial intelligence, machine learning and computational tools to nation's researchers

September 1, 2023 Two Ohio University physicists are advancing the frontiers of sub-atomic research by developing AI and computational tools to accelerate both theoretical and experimental research.

Ohio University Research Committee/Baker Fund process eliminates external review process

August 30, 2023 The Research Division is further streamlining the Ohio University Research Committee/Baker Fund process this year by eliminating external reviews.

If you're interested in space, join OHIO's student spaceflight experiment this fall

August 24, 2023 Professor Sarah Wyatt is looking for Ohio University students who want to help design experiments for the International Space Station.