OU Synchro

jana willan

I love hangin' out

in the Real World house with my eight roommates. I grew up in the northeast, most deserted part of Maine, so as you might guess, I'm a major winter/snow freak. I started skating when I was three or four, and I skated for Canada competitively for about 6 years. I skated on synchro teams for three years, my favorite team was les Astracts at the juvenile level. I am an english major and philosophy minor. I love O.U. because of the diverse group of people that I'm friends with.

Position: Head Coach and President

Year: Junior

My Personal Web site



[annie] [ashley] [christina] [danielle] [elissa] [jana] [lauren] [nadia] [robin] [sarah]
OU Front Door


OU Front Door

designed/maintained by robin pfingst for ou synchro last edit 10/15/04