North Central District of
Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma
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Stacey Neeley, District Counselor


With the theme for this issue of the Kadenza being service, I thought I would take a minute and look up the definition of service in good ole Webster’s New World Dictionary. When I found the word service, I found 9 different definitions. Wow! After reading all nine, I decided that I would share with you the two most appropriate. Here they are:

Serv•ice: (s ur’vis) n.

1. work done for others
2. a) benefit; advantage b) friendly help; also, professional aid

Service is such an important aspect of what we do as members of Tau Beta Sigma and the definition ties in so well to everything we believe in and do. Don’t you think? Serving our bands and community is one of the greatest membership privileges we all share. It’s that desire to serve that sets us apart from all the rest!

As I think back to my undergraduate Tau Beta Sigma years, I recall all of the great service projects that we accomplished during those years. These service projects helped our bands to grow and thrive and benefited our music department tremendously. Projects such as ushering and uniform collection/distribution were essential elements which Tau Beta Sigma oversaw in order to ensure smooth operations within our music department and our bands.

As I have read your Chapter Summary and Fall Activity Reports, I am amazed and proud of your continued dedication to service, your bands and your communities. Many of you spend long hours cleaning band equipment, closets and rehearsal halls, while others spend countless hours ushering and baking hundreds of cookies the members of their bands. For your communities, you spend time participating in highway cleanups, volunteering in soup kitchens and helping millions of girl scouts earn their music badges. All of these projects would not be as successful as they are without the commitment and dedication you provide to service. Bravo!!

In closing, I challenge you discover new ways of serving your bands and communities. Talk to other chapters about the service they provide and build upon these ideas. By providing exceptional service to your bands and communities, you will be living up to the ideals and standards of Tau Beta Sigma. I dare you to go forth and SERVE!!!

Submitted by Stacey Neeley, NCD Counselor


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