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03.28.02 | 04.04.02 | 04.11.02 | 04.18.02 | 04.25.02 | 05.02.02 | 05.09.02 | 05.16.02 | 05.23.02 | 05.30.02

one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, March 28, 2002

Hey everyone! Welcome to Spring Quarter 2002! Can you believe it's already here?! We had our first meeting tonight, did everyone forget? It sure looked like it, there was no problem finding a seat tonight!! I just want to welcome Jada and say thank you for coming tonight! I was great talking to you! ALSO, big news, Joe (formally known as Jesus) has no facial hair! I almost died! We will be allowed to return to calling him Jesus once his facial hair grows back!

Okay, gossips over, here's the stuff we actually did at the meeting tonight!!!

Town Hall Forum Ideas (we will be deciding next week so come and voice your opinion)
*racial profiling
*religious diversity
*affirmative action
*recruitment/retainment of minorities
*suicide prevention
**Jada said that there were 14 suicide attempts/successes last quarter!
*"Yeah, Jen actually did something!"
*She's got the info and is down with the cause! Great job girl!
*We're trying to decide how much to charge for the dinner/dance
*How much would you pay for dinner/dance? Just dance?
*Let us know at, I need to submit a budget to catering soon!
Call for Programs are due SATURDAY!
Allydrive - it'll be here before you know it!
*Ally drive will kick off on Friday April 12th!! It will be a part of Pride Week!
*Brainstorm some ideas for flyer, and phamplets! Let Ian know what you came up with at!

OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION - The vision of one.
Committees - Come up with 3 goals for spring quarter!!
Membership Committee
Here are some of the ideas we got tonight for ways to get and keep members:
*Pass out flyers and put up overheads in class
*Invites for meals
*More effort
*More social activities for just us
*A "What's going on this weekend" section in meeting
*Invite new members out after the meetings
Fundraising Committee
Miss Newton was not in attendance at this meeting so there is no information for this committee
Diversity Committee
Wesley is busy this quarter and will not be able to attend one. What are we going to do without him?! *teartear*

*Think about these things and bring your ideas/questions/concerns to the next meeting!
Begin the 5th week of the quarter
What sort of Committees do we want next year?
*Rhi is going to start up a newletter committee for next year!
Any amendments to the constitution?
Any additional ideas for programs this quarter/next fall quarter?
What kinds of things will make us more dynamic at Freshman Expo?

*Next week our meeting will be at 9pm (remember Baker Alumni Lounge) due to a presentation being given at MemAud @7! Toby will be sending more information out about this event and the others going on next week.

Well everyone, that's all that I have for you now! I hope you all had a great first week of classes, and hope to talk/see you soon!!! Goodnight!!!


one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 4, 2002

Hey everyone!! Here are the minutes from the meeting!

Town Hall Forum
*We voted and we will be doing our Open Town Hall Forum on Religious Diversity.
*The dates have been changed. It will now be May 12-18, due to Memorial Day Weekend the following week when had planned to have it.
*Also, the oneBALL will be held in one of the rooms in Ping.
*We will be working with Jeff on the photos. If anyone has any experience with the VisCom equipment and would like to help Jeff let us know at

*Beginning next year we will like to have dues of $5 quarterly. By paying your dues you will receive a subscription to our newsletter, a one button, eligibility to run for a board position, as well as a member bio in the forum on the oneWEB.
Hot Pic!
*We will be taking a organization picture in late May/early June on the steps by the college seal.
PRiDE Week
*Next week!!! There will be a schedule of all the events by Sunday evening on the oneWEB.

*There will be a game of kickball Friday, from 5-6 after the Ally Drive at the Intermural Fields! For more info or to help out contact Jen at
*The weekend of April 25th the committee will be standing outside at the courthouse collecting money. For more info contact Jacque at

The Newletter
*WE NEED A NAME! Come up with some ideas and email Rhi at
*In the newletter there will be political updates, feature articles, committee updates, summaries of events, shoutouts, and upcoming events!
*The first issue will come out prior to oneWEEK!
Ally Drive
*The buttons will say a is for ALLY!
*We will be having a button making party sometime next week, Ian will be letting us know the dates and times by Monday evening.
*We will have informational materials, lists of good books, and our own list of what an ally does.
*Here is a rough list that we came up with last night:
Boycotts certain establishments
Educates self and others on LGBT issues
A shoulder to lean on
Doesn't care about gender role
Not afraid of being associated as LGBT
Isn't homophobic
A resource for other people
Try to make LGBT people feel comfortable
Stand up for LGBT when they can't stand up for themselves
They're cute/handsome
Concerned with LGBT political issues
Uses cute little catch phrases
Confronts others using offensive words
Works to break down stereotypes
Serves as a point of contact for others
Career Ally-they're one for life not just when they're around LGBT people
Role model

*Nominations will be during Week 5
*Elections will be held during Week 6

Alright, that wraps it up! If you have any questions feel free to email me at! Have a great weekend!!


one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 11, 2002

Hey all!! I just wanted to start out by saying thanks to Angela (The Non-Girlfriend), Aaron Bowie Gorelik, Trish, Sean, & Bethany for coming to our meeting tonight! WooHoo! Quite a Bring A Friend Night we had!! The meeting minutes are too long this time. We spent a great deal of time tonight in the Heart-2-Heart Area seeing how Jen brought us pizza and pop! YEAH JEN! We also spent a great deal talking about the sad yet empowering event that occurred in the wee hours of the morning. As probably you all know (seeing how this is sent to the same listserv that has received 40 emails about the situation) the wall was horribly defaced. Not only were there homophobic remarks but threats to members of the community. Ashley wrote down everything that was written on the wall, and many people took pictures, as it was not painted over by facilities management till this afternoon due to police investigations. However, once it had a nice fresh coat of white paint the community gave the wall some more flava'! It looks great guys! I really love the things about straights and allies! It was a rough day for us all, I think we're all ready to move to a new day and turn the page to new challenges like what to do now. Anywho, I'm glad everyone is safe! Yeah for that!

PRiDE WEEK Rally @ NOON!!!
Toby is speaking on behalf on one!!!
Ally Drive
Make sure you show up and show your support!
(Plus, you'll get a nifty a is for ALLY button!)
Intramural Fields!!!
Be there, Be someone!

There will be dues each don't "have" to pay them but it's encouraged! If you do pay them though you get a nifty one. button, a subscription to our newletter, a pic and bio on our members forum and you have the opportunity to run for election!

oneWEEK UPDATE!!!!!!!! (You may ask why all the !'s for oneWEEK? Because it's my baby!!) hehe!
There's still time for programs! Since we know you're all busy with PRiDE WEEK you have till next week to get online, read the directions, fill that puppy out and send it to! If you have any questions regarding a program email Toby at!!!
We have a menu! WooWoo! Ok, here goes...lets see if I can remember this all...
Entrees: Vegetarian Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan over Angel Hair Pasta
Veggie...?: Scalloped Potatoes
Salads: Dinner w/Italian Dressing and Fruit Salad (that's kinda a dessert...hmm?)
Assorted Breads
Dessert: HoHo Cake, just for Toby!
Drinks: Ice Tea, Lemonade, Water, and Coffee

We suck...and have no money!

Open Doors will be splitting this weekends Casa money with us! WooHoo! Maybe we can pay off some of our debt! Devil knows we've got alot of it!

Liz wants to make sure people come to The Ohio Public Interest Research Group's (advocates for consumer rights, democracy, and environmental protection) planning meeting on Saturday April 13 at 1pm in Baker! There's no room yet so just look for signs! Check out their website!!! If you have any questions email Liz at!!!

Well this wraps up another fine addition of oneMeeting Minutes! Thanks to everyone that has gotten to the bottom of this email! It means alot that someone reads them!!! Have a great weekend! I love you all and am soo glad that it was just words and no one was hurt! Like Jess said "Sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt us!!!!!" AMEN GIRL!


one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 18, 2002

Hi everyone!! Here's what happened at the meeting tonight!!!

*We had nominations tonight, don't worry though you have until May 2 to get additional ones in. You can email with them. Remember that nominees must be in "active" status, which means they had to have paid their dues. Here are the runners so far...
Executive Director
Executive Secretary
Jaclyn, Kelly
Director of Finance
Rhi, Ryan
Director of Education
Toby, Liz, Josh, Jen
Director of Programs
Jacque, Ian

*Toby is still working on a rough draft of the schedule but once it's finalized it will be on the oneWEB <>.
*Toby and I are having a meeting tomorrow with the man from Bromley about maybe having the ball there. Once that's finalized it too will be on the website and we can start sellin those tickets!

*We will be trying to co-sponsor Margaret Cho's visit to OU with UPC.
*We also want to have a picnic on Friday evening, but where? What will be served? We will be discussing all of this via listserv so make sure you keep your eye out!
*Saturday we will have brunch with the Moms at Bob Evans, the time will be announced.

*Tomorrow from 1-4p.m. at Howard Hall! Try to stop by and help out for a bit! We all have very busy schedules so the more the better!

*The committee will be standing outside the courthouse NEXT Friday and Saturday from 10p.m.-2a.m. selling pizza to the drunkards!


Ok! That's another exciting addition of "Lights Lengthy Letter!" Join us for another addition in two weeks! Have a great/safe weekend everyone!!!


one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 25, 2002

Meeting minutes for this week aren't available.

one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 2, 2002

Meeting minutes for this week aren't available.

one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 9, 2002

Meeting minutes for this week aren't available.

Hey everyone!!
Let's get down to business...

VOTE FOCUS May 16th in Dining Halls
*Josh Wolfe spoke on behalf of FOCUS (the one political party organized for Student Senate elections)
*Jacque was a little unsatisfied with the quality red on their shirt, she believes it's a little more orange. Make sure you check that out if you see the FOCUS team out and about.
*If you have any questions concerning the campaign or FOCUS's platform contact Josh Wolf by email, phone, or stopping up Tuesday or Thursdays at the college gate where they'll be campaigning.

*The schedule is now online! CHECK IT OUT! PRINT IT OUT! PUT IT EVERYWHERE!

*We have 165 Allies signed up already! Great job everyone who has helped!

*Make sure to get your submissions to Rhiannon as soon as possible at

*I know, it's been FOREVER since we've had an update!
*Scouting For All sent Beam some awesome iron on badges!
*They also sent him postcards for us all to send to Bush 43! He is by default the president of the BSA so we need to send him these postcards that ask him to renounce his title until the BSA makes open its rants to all Americans based on their commitment to the principles of Scouting and not the politics of discrimination. We're asking him to truly live up to his slogan - No Child Left Behind!
*To get your very own postcard to send come to the meeting and pick one up from Ryan!

Have a great night everyone! This is Jaclyn saying goodnight!


one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 16, 2002

Meeting minutes for this week aren't available.

one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 23, 2002

- "Speaking Out: Embracing the Muslim Community"
A Rally/Walk/Vigil/Open House on Friday, May 31 from 4:30 -6:30. Everyone participating will meet at West Portico. If anyone wants to go, we can plan at Thursday's meeting.
- Picture
There'll be a picture taken of the members of one next Thursday at 6:30 pm. We'll meet at the gateway. The plan is to dress "business casual." (Whatever the heck that is.)

The rest of the meeting was dedicated to proposing amendments to the Constitution. As lovely as the original was, everyone had some ideas about how to change it. Here's a run-down of the propositions - think about them and come vote on Thursday!

Proposed Amendments
- Basic thing number one: Change the emphasis on LGBT issues to all minority issues in applicable sections.
- Basic thing number two: An "active" member must pay dues to have that status, and one must be an active member to vote on anything.
- The Executive Secretary: The new duties include taking attendance and doing mailings to alumni.
- The Director of Finance: The new duties are collecting dues and keeping records of those that have paid.
- The Director of Programs: The new duties are the promotion, set-up, execution, and clean-up of programs; and the ability to appoint committees to help is these areas.
- Committees: They will meet bi-monthly with the oneboard. All descriptions of the previous committees will be taken out, with just an AD HOC committee remaining.
- onepackets: A more detailed description will be included, and the statement pertaining to the Director of Promotions will be taken out.
- Elections: Absentee ballots will be available on an individual basis and can be given by the oneboard.
- Terms of Office: Weeks 7 and 8 of spring quarter will be jointly run by the old and new oneboards, and the new oneboard will assume all responsibilities on week 9.
- Membership: Membership cards!
- Dues: The amount collected will be determined by the Director of Finance.

If you are wondering what exactly the current Constitution looks like, check out the online version.

See you all soon!

one. Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 30, 2002

-The meeting time for fall quarter will be 9:00. Still Thursday, still Alumni Lounge - just a change in time.
-Pictures of the group will be taken on Monday at 5:30 at the gateway. Remember to look nice!

Amending the Constitution
Issue 1: De-emphasis on LGBT issues - PASS
Issue 2: New duties of Executive Secretary (attendance, alumni mailings) - PASS
Issue 3: New duties of Director of Finance (dues) - PASS
Issue 4: Committees (dissolve all, institute AD HOC committee) - PASS
Issue 5: more detailed description of onepackets - PASS
Issue 6: membership card - PASS
Issue 7: Director of Finance sets amount of dues - FAIL
Issue 8: voting requires active member status - FAIL

Other Business
-Freshman Expo has been planned a little bit. There will be lots of displays and a brochure, and enough copies! The idea is to show everyone all that we did this year.
-Everyone shared a favorite memory of the year to wrap up the meeting. To bring back some warm fuzzies, here's a few of them that were mentioned: the "that's sooo gay" debate, first contacts with members, free pizza, Diversity Rocks the Vote, selling leis, the first big blitz, recognition from the unlearn posters, seeing unknowns wearing Allydrive buttons, the big membership, and the excitement of those early meetings.

We have had a good year guys! Be proud!

I'll see everyone tomorrow at the gateway,