Rain to River Interactive Display
Ohio University's Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs' 'Rain to River' project has released a new interactive storm water display, to highlight storm water pollution prevention best practices while providing an interactive, educational experience for citizens across the Appalachian basin. The interactive display was designed by staff from the Voinovich School and Gerard Hilferty & Associates Inc., an Athens-based museum planning design company whose focus is on interpretive exhibits. The portable, built display is constructed by the Texas-based Museum Fabrication Group LLC. Funding for the project is provided by a generous grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Education Fund. Contact the Voinovich School's Jen Bowman (bownmanj2@ohio.edu) at 740.597.3101 to request Rain to River's interactive display at your next water-education event. Interested parties can also schedule to borrow a Rain to River storm drain stenciling kit, to effectively label storm water sewer drains