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Rain to River Storm Drain Stenciling Guide

November 15, 2019

Using paint and stencils, volunteers mark educational messages on storm drains and catch basins that flow to nearby creeks, streams, lakes, coastal waters and ultimately the ocean. Painted messages include the phrase “NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO RIVER” accompanied by the image of a fish. The message alerts people that discharges into storm drains pollute valuable water resources, and it can also heighten community awareness of nearby waters.

Rain to River is a project of the Appalachian Ohio Clean Watershed Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to improve water quality and restore watersheds in the coal-bearing region of Ohio through education, training, partnership building, connecting resources and project implementation. This program is a partnership between Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs and Rural Action and is funded in part through Ohio EPA’s Section 319 Clean Water Act Grant Program.

Click here [PDF] to download the stenciling guide.