GivePulse 101: Logging in & finding opportunities

CCE Staff
February 6, 2024

This is the third article in a series focused on navigating GivePulse, OHIO's community engaged-experiential learning platform.

This article is focused on getting started as a user to find and register for opportunities in the GivePulse network. GivePulse is a national, public platform, and anyone can search for ways to get involved in their community, regardless of affiliation with Ohio University.

Account Creation and Login 

After opening the platform, first you need to create an account if you do not already have one.  Ohio University students, staff, and faculty logging in through single sign on are automatically members of OU’s network in the system. External users can also join or be added as members of Ohio University, regardless of affiliation or alumni status. 

How to Create a GivePulse Account  

  • Click Log-In and use the Single Sign On option to create your account with your OHIO email and password, and then you’ll be able to consistently log in with your OHIO email and your password. 

    General Public: 

  • Click Sign-Up and in the prompt box displayed, enter the required information (name, zip code, and email) and create a password to get started. 

This is your personal user account. On your user dashboard, you are able to see the groups (organizations) and/or classes you are affiliated with, see what upcoming events you’ve registered for, and keep track of your community impact as you log volunteer hours. 

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Claiming your GivePulse account 

If you are part of a community or campus organization that has a group account on GivePulse, you may receive an email prompting you claim your account if an administrator in the system has added you manually. You can confirm membership of that group in a few ways: 

  1. Click the claim account button in the email prompt.

  2. Navigate to the group’s page by using the ‘explore’ button in the top toolbar, toggle to ‘groups,’ and search the organization name. Once you’ve found the groups page, click the ‘join’ button on the right. 

  3. . Request be added by your group administrator. Once this is done you will need to go through a short process in order to claim your account and create your own password. 

When you are added by the admin of a  Givepulse group, you will receive a welcome email that will provide you with the next steps to claim your account and join the group.  

When you click the link in this welcome email, you will be prompted to access your GivePulse account by adding your details (first name/ last name, email address, password, and location). 


Membership Applications

Some organizations may ask for additional information from users when they're admitted into the group. If the group you are joining has a membership application, you will be prompted to fill out a brief form with requested information.


How to Login to your GivePulse Account 

  • Visit and select ‘login’ at the top right corner of the navigation page.  

  • Enter your email and password you used to sign up to access your account. 


Finding an Opportunity 

Once you have logged in, you will be brought to your home page. On your dashboard, you can search for volunteer opportunities, add impacts, and find other groups. Search your community for groups and organizations to affiliate or connect with.  

To find an opportunity, either scroll down on the homepage to see events posted by OU and it's affiliated partners, or choose "Explore" on the top navigation bar to search more broadly. 

When you search for "Events" (opportunities) or "Groups" (organizations), you will be shown a list of opportunities and you can filter by event type, causes, and skills that are relevant to you, or search by date. Important: If you are searching for service opportunities to fulfill mandated volunteer requirements, make you you filter the listing by type > volunteer/service opportunity to ensure the event meets your program requirements

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Once your filters are set, click on any opportunity to read more about it and to register. You can register for an opportunity by clicking the register button on the right-hand side of the GivePulse screen. 

You can modify your search parameters such as distance and location, and apply additional filters such as category, social impact, and global aims. You can also refine your event search by selecting specific criteria like time and place. 

After registering, you'll receive a confirmation email, a reminder email before the event, and a follow-up email prompting you to Submit Your Impact to record your hours!