Thursdays @ 8 p.m., Baker Center Alumni Lounge

Click here for the complete oneweek schedule.

Friday, May 16, 2003
Irvine Auditorium 194
West Green/ Across from Boyd Hall
8 p.m.
Free Admission!

Click here for a full listing of this quarter's events.

Ah, spring; a vital staple in the student subculture here at Ohio University. From the LGBT community’s PRiDE Week to Positive Action’s Do-It-Yourself Weekend; from Oak Fest to Palmer Fest to High Fest; from the “time-change riots” to Derby Days; Spring Quarter here in Athens definitely has something for everyone.

Spring is perhaps one’s most ambitious quarter of the academic school year. This quarter, we will see the return of the Allydrive, partnerships with STARS and the OU Hillel, a new meeting format, elections of the 2003-3004 oneboard, and the fusion of diverse interests in our baby, oneWEEK. It truly will be an energizing and innovative time within the organization.

I invite you to come to our meetings, help plan and implement projects and events, and see what “one group for one world” truly is all about. Why aren’t YOU part of one? There couldn’t be a better time to join!

Here’s to a great Spring Quarter!

Ian Beers
-Executive Director-