Ohio University's All-Inclusive Alliance for Respect and Equality
one group for one world


Article I: Purpose

one aims to open the minds and hearts of all people through outreach and education; promoting acceptance of all minorities on campus in order to fight discrimination. We strive to educate others, as well as ourselves, about issues concerning the straight and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities in addition to promoting respect and equality regardless of race, gender-identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or disability. one seeks to provide a safe and supportive forum for discourse about diverse issues of interest including heterosexism, homophobia, sexism, racism, classism, and ageism. We strive to accomplish this goal through joint programming with other diverse on-campus individuals and organizations. Because we are part of the human race, and see it as a large inclusive circle, we feel diminished when ANY person or group of people is denied dignity and respect in their lives. one is about respect for human beings and human rights.

Article II: the oneboard

The penta-chairs elected to the oneboard must be able to commit ample time and energy into the organization. Attendance at the general and board meetings is expected. It is the collective guarantee of the board to keep onepackets current and useful. Each position on the oneboard is open to any person regardless of sexual orientation, gender-identity, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, or disability. Because board members are penta-chairs, no one position shall dominate the group; instead, unity and equal distribution of participation are expected. No board member may hold more than one position on the oneboard, unless the position is otherwise vacated.

Section 1 - Executive Director

The Executive Director shall act as the key organizer and main contact for the organization. University policy requires that the Executive Director must be a registered undergraduate or graduate student at Ohio University. The Executive Director shall facilitate or select a facilitator for each general and board meeting, as well as develop a consistent meeting format and meeting agenda with the aid of the other penta-chairs at the start of each academic year. The Director shall also maintain an open line of communication with other student organizations in the Ohio University community that represent issues of diverse interest. To provide representation, the Executive Director should be present at events outside of the general and board meetings that are organized by one. The Executive Director shall facilitate a smooth transition by training the Executive Director-elect.

Section 2 - Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary shall take minutes at the general and board meetings (or find a substitute to do the same); e-mail the organization’s listserv regularly with general body meeting minutes and event information; place ads in the Ohio University paper The Post about one meetings and events (when funds permit); as well as house the onepackets, and make sure they are made readily available to active membership by having them present at every meeting. In order to maintain a current and useful database of active membership, the Executive Secretary shall take attendance at every board and general body meeting. As part of the Alumni Relations obligation, the Executive Secretary shall maintain a current and up-to-date database of one alumni; sending them editions of oneVOICE, invitations to alumni/alumnus events, and organization updates via the U.S. postal service at least once per quarter. To provide representation, the Executive Secretary should be present at events outside of the general and board meetings that are organized by one. In the event that the Executive Director is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the Executive Secretary shall serve as the Director until the election process can be completed. The Executive Secretary shall facilitate a smooth transition by training the Executive Secretary-elect.

Section 3 - Director of Finance

The Director of Finance shall conduct all the financial transactions of the organization and therefore must have an understanding of the University’s student organization financial system. University policy requires the Director of Finance to be a registered undergraduate or graduate student at Ohio University. The Director of Finance shall provide a financial report at each general and board meeting, and must provide an itemized print-out of transactions. Additionally, the Director of Finance shall collect dues from active membership, keeping a database of dues-paying members, and depositing dues into the onefund. S/He shall submit the quarterly SAC funding applications, attend the hearing, and apply for SAC emergency funding as needed. It is the responsibility of the Director of Finance to guarantee that there is a copy of the latest financial report in every onepacket. To provide representation, the Director of Finance should be present at events outside of the general and board meetings that are organized by one. The Director of Finance shall facilitate a smooth transition by training the Director of Finance-elect, as well as resolve all outstanding bills and balance the books before leaving office.

Section 4 - Director of Education

The Director of Education shall function as the head of educational resources not solely for one, but for the greater Ohio University community as well. S/He is responsible for the development of diverse education panels and/or seminars that may be requested to go into different classrooms, organizations, or companies to discuss relevant issues. The Director of Education shall keep a library of recent publications related to issues of heterosexism/homophobia, sexism, racism, classism, ageism, et cetera, and also shall serve as a chief moderator at one, general meeting discussions, drawing from the library of archives as basis for discussion - thusly the group’s main objective, education. It is extremely important, therefore, that the Director of Education continuously presents topics of which the majority is otherwise ignorant of. S/He must work in conjunction with the oneweb webmaster so that the general public may use the one website not only as means of project and event information, but as an educational resource as well. The Director of Education is responsible for distributing informational pamphlets, flyers, and posters to each of the campus greens and buildings, as well as uptown businesses and academic classroom buildings. S/He must also provide a current list of useful resources and discussion topics for meetings at the start of every quarter, which will be available on the website as well as in each onepacket. To provide representation, the Director of Education should be present at events outside of the general and board meetings that are organized by one,. The Director of Education shall facilitate a smooth transition by training the Director of Education-elect.

Section 5 - Director of Programs

The Director of Programs shall act as a key organizer and a main correspondence for the organization. It is imperative that the Director of Programs contacts and keeps communication with other University-area minority groups. S/He shall be responsible for planning partnerships and co-sponsorships of programs geared towards educating the general public. It is important for this reason that the Director of Programs works very closely with the Director of Finance, so that enough funds are allotted. The Director of Programs should plan at least one partnership activity with another group per quarter, and at least one alumni activity per academic year. In addition, the Director of Programs will be responsible for press releases to The Post, as well as reserving rooms for social events as part of the programming obligation. Additionally, the Director of Programs is responsible for coordinating every program’s promotion (in conjunction with the Publicity Committee), the set-up and execution of the program, as well as any clean up. Because this is such a large and important commitment, the Director of Programs reserves the right to set up program committees, and/or appoint membership to take on certain areas of a task. To maintain consistency with political/educational/social events of the organization, the Director of Programs must work with the Executive Secretary to coordinate programs targeted solely at active members. To provide representation, it is crucial that the Director of Programs be present at events outside of the general and board meetings that are organized by one. The Director of Programs shall facilitate a smooth transition by training the Director of Programs-elect.

Article III: Administrative Advisor

The one Faculty Advisor shall meet to comply with the University’s guidelines, as stated in How to at OU. The Advisor must be a faculty or staff member at Ohio University. S/He shall attend at least one meeting per quarter, and at least one outside event per academic year.

Article IV: Committees

One of the many ways members of one can get involved with the organization is by joining a committee. Committees shall be formed in the event that the oneboard does not feel that it is able to meet the needs of an expanding group. The nomination, seconding of the nomination, and election of Chairpersons for each committee shall be done with accordance with Article VII. The Chairperson reserves the right to determine meeting times, how many members is needed for each committee, and may appoint those s/he determines are best suited for the committee. Committee Chairs shall attend two pre-scheduled meetings per month with the oneboard. These meetings shall be set at the beginning of each academic quarter.

Section 1 - AD HOC Committee

The need for these committees shall be established by a simple majority (50% + 1) of the members in attendance. The term of these committees is not limited, and may be reinstated every academic quarter.

Article V: Projects

In the event that the oneboard feels special attention needs to be given to a particular legislation, political endeavor, or social trend, it reserves the right to institute a Project, or ongoing effort of the organization. Each Project shall have a Project Coordinator, who is responsible for coordinating research, organizing events related to the Project, and setting an agenda for the Project. Project Coordinator positions, which are appointed by the oneboard, are open to any person regardless of sexual orientation, gender-identity, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, or disability.

Projects shall work as a separate entity of the organization, but must keep the one general body well informed as to the progress of the project. The Project Coordinator reserves the right to determine the direction of the project, project meeting times and special endeavors, as well as to institute or dissolve Assistant Coordinator positions to the Project.

Article VI: Promotional Material

Promotional material including (but not limited to) pamphlets, flyers, posters, and novelty items shall be designed by a member of the organization whom the oneboard deems capable. The board shall collaborate as a whole in establishing which promotional material there is a need for.

Section 1 - onepackets

onepackets shall consist of one promotional material, event information, financial reports, a membership card, the organization’s newsletter, contact information, and a one button (among others). The purpose of the one packet is to make members new to the organization feel comfortable, welcome, and informed. It is important that the board keep onepackets readily available and current. Unless otherwise established by the acting oneboard, onepackets shall be housed with the Executive Secretary.

Section 2 - World Wide Web Page

The one World Wide Web Page shall be maintained by a person skilled in working with web-based design. This person shall have the position handed down to them by the previous webmaster, who will choose the best candidate with approval by the oneboard. This position is open to any person, regardless of sexual orientation, gender-identity, race, or age.

Section 3 - Director of Promotions

In times of need, the oneboard reserves the right to designate a chair on the board known as Director of Promotions, who will be responsible for the design and distribution of material regarding all one related events. In addition, s/he will be responsible for reserving rooms for social events as part of the promotional obligation. The position is open to all persons regardless of sexual orientation, gender-identity, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, or disability.

Article VII: Elections

Section 1 - Nominations

Nominations shall be held the fifth week of Spring Quarter every academic school year. All active members are eligible, provided that the Executive Director and Director of Finance are registered undergraduate or graduate students at Ohio University. The nominations shall be made by the membership in attendance, as well as through the one web site via e-mail to the oneboard. It is preferred that a member self-nominate. All nominees must agree to the nomination prior to voting, and all nominations must have a seconding. Nominees must have attended at least four one meetings prior to elections, as well as be in “active” status.

Section 2 - Elections

Elections shall be held during the sixth week of Spring Quarter every academic school year. All oneboard members are to be elected via secret ballot. All members which have attended at least two meetings prior to elections are eligible to vote. A simple majority (50% +1) is needed. Two oneboard members not running for election to that position, along with one general body member not running for election, shall tabulate the results of elections. The results of the election shall be tabulated one position at a time. In the event of a tie, the acting oneboard shall meet away from the general group to break the tie. One oneboard member and two general body members not up for election shall tabulate these votes.

Section 3 - Term of Office

The newly elected oneboard shall assume their duties the ninth week of Spring Quarter and remain in office for one year. This period between the election and the ninth week of Spring Quarter is to be utilized as an internship between the current and newly elected oneboard. The meetings held the seventh and eighth weeks of Spring Quarter shall be conducted jointly by the current board and oneboard-elect to serve as a smooth transition.

Section 4 - Vacancies

In the event that a seat is not filled during the election, the newly elected oneboard shall appoint someone to the seat. In the case of resignation or impeachment, there shall be an election within two meetings. The reason for the actions shall be announced at one meeting; they shall be defended and voted upon at the second meeting. The vote shall be taken via secret ballot. Two oneboard members and one general body member will tabulate the vote.

Section 5 - Impeachment

A oneboard member, Committee Chairperson, or Project Manager can be removed from office if the membership feels that the individual has grossly neglected the duties or abused the position. The person can be voted out of office by 2/3 majority of the members present. All members who have attended at least two meetings prior to the vote are eligible to vote. All acts of impeachment shall take at least two meetings. The reasons for the actions shall by announced at one meeting; they shall be defended and voted upon at the second meeting. The vote shall be taken via secret ballot. Two oneboard members and one general body member shall tabulate the votes.

Article VIII: Membership, Meetings, and Motions

Section 1 - Membership

We welcome all members of the Ohio University student body, faculty, and staff, as well as any members of the off-campus community who support the purpose and programs of the organization. To meet university guidelines, the majority (50% + 1) must be registered students at Ohio University. one does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender-identity, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, or disability. While membership is open to all, only dues-paying members are eligible to run for office.

Section 2 - Membership Card

Upon becoming an active member, a one membership card (including member number) shall be issued for that quarter. Member numbers are non-transferable, and shall be designated to one member for the entire life of the organization. Once a member i.d. number is issued, it shall never be issued again, regardless of whether that number falls out of active status. These unique i.d. numbers shall be used for alumni purposes as well.

Section 3 - Dues

At the beginning of each academic quarter (excluding summer sessions), it shall be the Director of Finance’s duty to assess the financial state of one, and designate a reasonable cost of membership dues. This cost shall be voted on and approved by the general body as set forth in the constitution. Dues-paying members shall be classified as “active,” and therefore receive a copy of the one newsletter, a one button, be featured in the member forum on the oneweb (pending on space availability), and be eligible to run for office. Dues are not required of general body members, but encouraged.

Section 4 - oneboard Meetings

All oneboard members shall meet at least once a week prior to the general meeting for a oneboard meeting. The meeting day and time shall be decided at the beginning of each quarter. These meetings are crucial to decisions affecting the board and general group members. It is extremely important that no oneboard member miss more than 2 meetings without valid excuse, and s/he must attend at least 2/3 of one events outside of meetings. Failure to uphold these high standards is ground for impeachment; such actions are to be decided on by other members of the oneboard. During vacations, board members shall meet for meetings in chat rooms, stay in touch via e-mail, or conference calling. Unless otherwise noted or requested, oneboard meetings are open to the general membership to attend.

Section 5 - General Meetings

These meetings shall be held on a weekly basis and shall be scheduled prior to the start of the quarter. These meetings shall be advertised in The Post on the day of the meeting, subject to space and funding availability. The meeting will consist of reading and approving the minutes, oneboard member reports; Committee Chairperson’s reports; old business; new business; a concentration on group goals and projects; and a roundtable session moderated by the Director of Education to announce, speak, report, or educate on topics/issues of interest to the organization. The first meeting of each quarter shall be reserved as an open forum for members to discuss which projects and groups they would like one to become more involved with that quarter, and thusly keep the organization forever current and fresh.

Section 6 - Special Meetings

These meetings shall be called by four of the five oneboard members on an emergency basis. These meetings shall be announced via email the day before and on the day of the meetings by the Executive Secretary.

Section 7 - Motions

A motion is any matter of business that needs consideration of the entire organization. Matters of urgency or procedural matters can be voted on by the membership in attendance. Motions concerning the constitution, elections, or other major decisions shall be proposed at one meeting, debated and voted on at the following meeting.

Section 8 - Procedure

The meetings shall be conducted informally, with the exception of meetings where constitutional amendments, nominations for vacant offices or elections are taking place. These meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article IX: Amendments

Amendments to the constitution shall be proposed and read at one meeting and debated and voted on at the following meeting. All members who have attended at least two meetings prior to the vote are eligible to vote. The changes shall be effective upon passage and the Executive Secretary shall make new copies of the Constitution available to the members. If changes are voted down they are not to be considered for vote again that quarter.

Article X: Ratification

This Constitution shall be proposed at one meeting and debated and voted on at the following meeting. An affirmative vote of 2/3 majority of the members in attendance is needed for passage. All members who have attended at least two meetings prior to the vote are eligible to vote. This constitution shall take affect May 30, 2002.