OHIO alumna uses classroom knowledge to further zebrafish research
August 4, 2023 When Erin Binne took an Animal Behavior class taught by Professor Molly Morris, she had no idea some of the lessons she learned would eventually help her keep an entire colony of zebrafish alive.
Provost Undergraduate Research Fund offers awards to 28 OHIO students
November 22, 2021 The OHIO Provost Undergraduate Research Fund (PURF) awards program has provided 28 students with a total of $34,764 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this fall.
Winter Break programs kick off restart of global opportunities for OHIO students
September 23, 2021 Ohio University restarts its global programming with winter break programs in Italy, Spain and Belize, followed by spring and summer opportunities in a number of countries around the world.
Students enjoy diving into freshwater fish biology research in the Morris Lab
August 4, 2021 A biology lab filled with thousands of freshwater fish from Mexico provides a hands-on setting for Ohio University students to examine how tiny, colorful swordtail fish are evolving and adapting.
Student Enhancement Awards provide $121,948 in funding to 21 students
March 27, 2020 The Ohio University Student Enhancement Awards program has provided 21 students with a total of $121,948 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this spring.
Provost Undergraduate Research Fund provides $31,160 in funding to 24 students
November 21, 2019 The Ohio University Provost Undergraduate Research Fund awards program has provided 24 students with a total of $31,160 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this fall.
Notable Alumni | Aiden Shearer Developed First Genetic Test for Deafness, Now Seeks Gene Therapy
October 25, 2019 Aiden “Eliot” Shearer developed the first genetic test panel for deafness OtoSCOPE®, new technology that has revolutionized the understanding of human hearing loss.