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Mailboxes and Mailings

Mailboxes - Beginning with the Class of 2022, students will not have mailboxes.

Promoting effective communication is an essential part of operations at Heritage College. Faculty and staff use both the student mailboxes ( Year II only ) and student Ohio University email accounts to communicate official business to students. It is your responsibility to check these venues daily and respond appropriately.

Mailboxes - applies to Class of 2021 students only

Campus mail for year II students only (i.e., within the Heritage College or the University as a whole) may be dropped off at the Central Services Office in Grosvenor 011 or placed in the metal mailbox located on the wall outside the office.

Each Heritage College student on campus is assigned a combination-lock mailbox for receiving mail, graded assignments, notifications, etc.

Correspondence to the Entire Class of 2021

Correspondence to entire Year II class (to "All Year II Students") can be copied and delivered to all the members of that class by Central Services in Grosvenor Hall 011. Complete a blue copy-request slip (available in the Office of Student Affairs or in Central Services). You must have authorization from your club or organization to charge copying costs to that account. Central Services requires at least a 24-hour lead time to process requests, and high priority requests will be processed before low-priority ones.

Correspondence to Individual Students in Class of 2021

If you do not have an envelope, you may fold the correspondence in half, staple it, and write the address on the outside. An alternative is to highlight the student name on the correspondence. Addresses should include both the student name, Year, and the mailbox number. Mail going to a large number of Year II students needs to be alphabetized.

Place these items in the metal mailbox located on the wall outside of Grosvenor 011. These items are delivered within 48 hours. If you wish to send a small treat to someone, place it in a campus envelope -- it will be handled as regular mail.

Large Items to Individual Students in Class of 2021

The mailboxes will not hold all of your mail plus "large" items (such as coffee mugs, etc.). Central Services staff will not deliver these types of items.

No delivery

If your mailbox is full, the staff will not be able to deliver additional mail. PLEASE be sure to empty your mailbox each day so that Central Services can continue to deliver to your mailbox!

For more information, please contact Jennifer Fritchley.