Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

African American Studies

Although African American Studies does not offer an academic program leading to a graduate degree, it does offer several graduate courses that enable you to get a minor concentration in the Afro-World experience. The courses provide a broad interdisciplinary approach to the black experience and include the social sciences, communication, education, psychology, and the arts and humanities. Several courses contribute to degree programs in African and Latin American Studies. Graduate students pursuing degrees in communication, education, international studies, health sciences, sociology, history, political science, and philosophy will find a minor emphasis in the Afro-World experience to be useful.


African American Studies (AAS) Courses

501A Images of Blacks (4)
Examines the sources and the effects of the dominant negative images of blacks that have pervaded American culture -- bucks, coons, buffoons, improvident, children, devoted Christians, etc. -- with a view to showing how they relate to slavery and the subsequent exclusion of blacks from the mainstream of American life. Also examines alternative images. Materials for the course will be drawn from a variety of areas -- literature, sciences, pseudosciences, media, and visual arts.

530 Social Theories of Underdevelopment (5)
Systematic review of problems of social change in developing areas from multidisciplinary point of view. Attention to problems of agrarian reforms, urbanization as social process, and regional disparities within framework of single nation state, among others. Comparative analysis of problems of social development undertaken typologically.

531 Third World Ethnic Politics (5)
Review of various theories of race. Critique of diverse definitions of ethnic groups. Attention to problem of ethnicity in international arena. Cross-national comparisons made of ethnic processes in developing countries, vis-à-vis ethnic processes in the U.S. and Western and Eastern Europe.

532 Third World National Movements (5)
Comparative study of varieties of national oppression. Questions of ethno-nationalism, clerical nationalism, and other forms of response to oppression reviewed. Due attention to various notions of Pan Africanism and Black Nationalism in the U.S., Africa, and Latin America.

540 The Black Child (5)
In-depth study of black child-impact and effects of growing up in America. Specifically, course will deal with effects and role of school and family in creative adjustment of black child in predominantly white society.

582 The Black Family (5)
Black family in America and its important role in development of ethnic differences, strengths, and strategies.

691 Professional Seminar (1-15)
Class involving contact hours, discussion, and required assignments. If, under this course number, you enroll in an upper division undergraduate course, you will be required to complete assignments beyond those required of undergraduates. You will write papers to present to class for discussion.

697 Independent Research (1-15)
For students desiring to pursue independent research projects under supervision of a faculty member and resulting in term paper or equivalent. Usually a sequel to previous subject-matter course.

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University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (http://www.ohiou.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/afamst.html) April 13, 1998.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.cats.ohiou.edu."