

We, the members of the administrative staff of Ohio University, concerned with the growth and development of the University, the broad scope of educational issues confronting the administration, the professional development of this administrative staff, and with the responsibilities delegated to the administrative staff by the Board of Trustees and the President of Ohio University, do hereby establish the Administrative Senate of Ohio University.

The purpose of the Administrative Senate is to promote and enhance the profession of university administration and specifically, the profession at Ohio University. The Administrative Senate will be committed to providing a collective and independent voice to those having administrative responsibilities in the conduct of the educational mission of the University. The Administrative Senate will provide the administrative staff of the University with a legitimate and necessary role in governance of the University through a public forum where the individual and representative voices of the staff will be heard, and will be one of equal participation with other representative groups in University decision-making.

The Administrative Senate holds the conviction that it can assist in the further growth and development of Ohio University through its own growth, development, and operation.

University executive officer(s) shall be appointed by the President of Ohio University to meet with the Administrative Senate regularly. The President shall have a standing invitation to meet with the Administrative Senate.

Article I: Membership and Composition

Section 1. Membership

  1. For the purpose of electing Senators, the University will be divided into planning units as described in the By-laws.
  2. Pursuant to Ohio University policy 41.115, an "administrator" is defined as an employee of Ohio University holding who serves in an exempt-unclassified or non-exempt-unclassified position as determined by Ohio University Human Resources and spends more than 50% of his or her time in administrative duties. This shall exclude employees defines as executive officers by Ohio University policy 40.105 and those faculty whose responsibilities are defined as more than 50% administrative, but who have retained faculty rank but not faculty status (see Ohio University Faculty HAndbook, Revised February 2017, Section II.C.4.).

Section 2. Composition

The Administrative Senate will be composed of elected representatives. Senators will be elected from each campus with senators elected from planning units. Senators may be appointed to at-large positions in circumstances outlined in Administrative Senate Bylaws.

Article II: Amendments

The Constitution of the Administrative Senate may be amended by a majority vote of the representatives to the Administrative Senate and must be approved by the President of Ohio University and the Trustees of Ohio University.  

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Administrative Senate is to promote and enhance the profession of university administration and specifically, the profession at Ohio University. The Administrative Senate will be committed to providing a collective and independent voice to those having administrative responsibilities in the conduct of the educational mission of the University. The Senate will provide the administrative staff of the University with a legitimate and necessary role in governance of the University through a public forum where the individual and representative voices of the staff will be heard, and will be one of equal participation with other representative groups in University decision-making. 

2. Definition of Administrator

Pursuant to Ohio University policy 41.115, an "administrator" is defined as an employee of Ohio University who serves in an exempt-unclassified or non-exempt-unclassified position as determined by Ohio University Human Resources, has been appointed to an administrative position through Ohio University Human Resources and spends more than 50% of his or her time in administrative duties. This shall exclude employees defined as executive officers by Ohio University policy 40.105 and those faculty whose responsibilities are defined as more than 50% administrative, but who have retained faculty rank but not faculty status (see Ohio University Faculty Handbook, Revised February 2017, Section II.C.4.g). 

3. Constituency

The Administrative Senate shall represent administrative employees within the University, as defined in Section 2. 

4. Senators

A Senator shall be defined as an administrative employee who is elected by the planning unit in which he or she is employed or appointed as at-large.  Any administrator, as defined in Section 2, who has had a minimum of six months of continuous employment at Ohio University at the start of the current fiscal year is eligible to serve in the capacity of a senator.

5. Planning Unit

Determination of planning units is defined by University Human Resources.  The Administrative Senate may combine or further divide planning units for representation purposes with a two-thirds vote of the Administrative Senate.

6. Representation

The number of senators representing planning units shall be proportionate to the number of administrative employees in each designated unit.

Constituency Per Planning Unit Number of Representatives
1-74 1
75-149 2
150+ 3


Senators may request a special appointment by the Executive Committee to serve on the Administrative Senate as an at-large member for circumstances outlined in Section 12, Article 1.  All requests must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Administrative Senate.  Appointments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of senators present.  At-large senators will also serve as an alternate pool in the event that a vacancy exists within a planning unit.

7. Executive Officers

The Executive Officers of the Administrative Senate shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past Chair or Designee.

8. Meetings

Article 1: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order (most recent edition) shall govern procedure at all meetings of the Administrative Senate in cases not otherwise provided for in the Constitution or Bylaws.

Article 2:  Regular Meetings

Regular meetings will be held monthly except in July and December. The time and location of such meetings will be determined by the Executive Committee.  The Administrative Senate meetings are open unless specifically designated as an executive session.

Article 3:  Special and Emergency Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or when requested in writing by five senators.  The agenda for the special meeting shall be sent out with the notice of the meeting at least three business days in advance of the meeting.

9. Quorum and Order of Business

A simple majority of the currently serving senators shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The usual order of business shall be as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Consideration of the Minutes
  • University Updates/Guests
  • Executive Officers’ Reports
  • Committee Reports
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Adjournment
10. Voting

Article 1:Voting by Senators

Each senator, including the Chair, has one vote. Voting shall typically be accomplished by voice vote.  A request for a roll call vote or a written ballot may be made by any senator on any motion on the floor. The results of all votes shall be kept by the Secretary and included in the minutes.

Article 2:  Voting on Motions

All substantive motions, as determined by the Executive Committee, shall receive a reading at two consecutive meetings prior to voting.  A vote of two-thirds of the senators present shall be necessary to suspend this rule.

11. Elections

The Elections Committee shall recommend the method of election for approval by the Administrative Senate. Once a method of voting has been approved, the Elections Committee need only inform the Administrative Senate of the type of voting method to be used for a given election.  The election results will be retained by the Elections Committee and kept in effect for the full term of the election period.

Article 1:  Executive Officers

The Administrative Senate shall conduct biennial elections for its Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.  Executive Officer elections shall take place at the June meeting.

  • Senators who have completed one full year of service on the Administrative Senate are eligible to serve as Executive Officers. 
  • No individual may be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms. 
  • New Executive Officers will officially take office on July 1.

Article 2:  Senators

Each February, the Chair of the Elections Committee will ascertain the total number of constituents in each unit due for an election and determine if the number of constituents in unit has changed sufficiently to affect the total number of senators.

  • Elections for senators should be held in March, but no later than May 1.  Elections shall be held for approximately 50% of the senate seats in alternate years.  Senators will serve two-year terms and will assume office on July 1.
  • The Elections Committee shall, before July 1, present to the Secretary of the Administrative Senate a list of current senators.  The list will also include a list of all individuals who were not elected as senators. 
12. Special Appointments

Article 1:  Senator

Senators may request a special appointment by the Executive Committee to server on the Administrative Senate as an at-large member for unfilled seats. All requests must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Administrative Senate. Appointments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of senators present. At-large senators will also server as an alternate pool in the event that a vacancy exists within a planning unit.

If a seat becomes vacant during the year, the Chair of the Elections Committee shall solicit recommendations from senators in the planning unit with the vacancy.  If the seat is not filled, then the alternate pool can be used. The nomination shall be presented in writing to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall present the recommendation to the Administrative Senate. A two-thirds vote of the senators present is required for appointment to the vacancy.

If a senator changes position to another planning unit, he or she may tender their resignation or request a special appointment by the Executive Committee to continue to serve on the Administrative Senate for the completion of his or her term as an at-large senator.  All requests must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Administrative Senate no later than one month after the senator begins their new position. If the senator resigns and does not request a special appointment but later quests to be reinstated to the new planning unit, he or she must wait until the next election cycle to run for the seat.

Article 2:  Chair

If the Chair is no longer able to serve, the Vice-Chair shall automatically move to the Chair position for the remainder of the current term.  In the event that the Vice-Chair declines, the Elections Committee shall recommend the name of an individual chosen from the elected senators.  The name of the recommended candidate must be sent to the Administrative Senate at least two weeks before a vote is taken for approval.

Article 3:  Vice-Chair

If the Vice-Chair is no longer able to serve in that position, the Chair shall recommend to the Administrative Senate the name of an individual chosen from the elected senators who they believe can best fill the vacancy to serve for the remainder of the current term.  The name of the recommended candidate must be sent to the Administrative Senate at least two weeks before a vote is taken for approval.

Article 4:  Secretary or Treasurer

If the Secretary or Treasurer is no longer able to serve in that position, a new Secretary or Treasurer shall be chosen by the Executive Committee from the elected senators and shall be appointed to serve for the remainder of the current term.

Article 5:  Immediate Past Chair or Designee

The Immediate Past Chair or Designee shall be chosen by the Executive Committee.

13. Provision for Removal of an Executive Officer

An Executive Officer’s term of office may be terminated at any time by a two-thirds vote of the Administrative Senate.  A vote to terminate a current Executive Officer must be initiated by a written petition signed by at least fifty (50%) of the senators.

14. Functions of the Executive Officers

Article 1:  Chair

The Chair of Administrative Senate shall preside at all meetings of the Administrative Senate and shall perform the duties pertaining to said office.  The Chair shall adhere to the Administrative Senate Bylaws and ensure that all Executive Officers and senators are doing the same.

  1. The Chair of the Administrative Senate shall also serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Chair shall represent the Administrative Senate in his or her capacity as Chair by conveying the expressed interests and concerns of the Administrative Senate on various University committees.
  3. The Chair shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of the agenda for the Administrative Senate meetings.
  4. The Chair shall appoint ad-hoc committees and committee chairs as necessary.
  5. If at any time a new planning unit is formed and added to the University, the Chair shall direct the Chair of the Elections Committee to conduct an election to ensure representation of that planning unit.
  6. The Chair shall present to the Administrative Senate for a vote additional paid positions, as needed.
  7. The Chair shall be responsible for performing or delegating other duties as needed.

Article 2:  Vice-Chair

  1. The Vice-Chair of the Administrative Senate shall, in the absence of the Chair, preside at all meetings of the Administrative Senate. 
  2. If the Chair is no longer able to serve, the Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair for the remainder of the term. A current senator may be elected as Vice-Chair by a 2/3 vote of the current Senate body.
  3. The Vice-Chair shall represent the Administrative Senate in his or her capacity as Vice-Chair by conveying the expressed interests and concerns of the Administrative Senate on various University committees.
  4. The Vice-Chair shall coordinate all ad-hoc committees and standing committees of the Administrative Senate.
  5. The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair, as requested, in performing the duties pertaining to the Chair’s position and in performing other duties as assigned.

Article 3:  Secretary

  1. The Secretary of the Administrative Senate shall attend at all meetings of the Administrative Senate.  He or she shall be responsible for minutes of the Administrative Senate. 
  2. The Secretary shall keep a record of attendance and of votes, be responsible for correspondence, maintain the Senate archives, and carry out such additional duties as may be assigned by the Chair. The Chair and the Secretary may jointly hire a part-time employee to assist in these responsibilities.
  3. The Secretary shall monitor the meeting attendance of Senators and facilitate the execution of the bylaws as related to the removal of delinquent Senators as needed.
  4. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining and distributing to the Administrative Senate a current list of senators throughout the year; and for maintaining a current list of the constituency throughout the year.
  5. The Secretary shall coordinate all updates to the Administrative Senate website and other communications.
  6. The Secretary shall assist the Chair, as requested, in performing other duties as assigned.

Article 4:  Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer of the Administrative Senate, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall create and supervise the operating budget.
  2. The Treasurer shall submit a report to the Administrative Senate at each regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. The Treasurer shall review expenditures and shall be responsible for approving all expenditures of the Administrative Senate funds.
  4. The Treasurer shall assist the Chair, as requested, in performing other duties as assigned.

Article 5:  Immediate Past Chair or Designee

  1. The Immediate Past Chair or Designee shall serve as an advisor to the Executive Committee.
  2. The Immediate Past Chair or Designee must have previous experience on the Executive Committee or possess extensive experience with the Administrative Senate.
  3. The Immediate Past Chair or Designee shall assist the Chair, as requested, in performing other duties as assigned.
15. Functions of Senators

Article 1:

  1. Senators are responsible for representing his or her unit at the monthly Administrative Senate meetings.  Remote participation is permitted.  
  2. If a senator must be absent, he or she must notify the Secretary of his or her expected absence prior to the meeting.  
  3. An alternate may be designated by any senator who finds that attendance at an Administrative Senate meeting is not possible. Alternates must be chosen from the constituency represented by the senator and must be identified to the Chair prior to the beginning of the meeting. An alternate so chosen and so identified may participate in discussion, initiate motions, and vote on all issues, save those involving amendment to the Constitution or the Bylaws.
  4. Senators who are absent from three Administrative Senate meetings without offering reasons acceptable to the Executive Committee, shall be designated by the Executive Committee as delinquent.  After the delinquent senator has been notified by the Secretary of his or her designation as delinquent, his or her name shall be placed before all senators at any regular meeting. At that time, a vote of two-thirds of the senators present shall be sufficient to remove the delinquent senator from office.

Article 2:

  1. Each senator shall inform his or her constituents of the issues covered at each Administrative Senate meeting.
16. Committees

Article 1:  Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Administrative Senate. The immediate past Chair and/or an individual designated by the Executive Committee may serve the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity. 
  2. The Executive Committee shall have the power and authorization to act for the Administrative Senate between Administrative Senate meetings and shall discharge those responsibilities and duties vested in the committee by the Bylaws and by action of the Administrative Senate.
  3. The Executive Committee shall act as or designate a liaison between the Administrative Senate and other entities.
  4. In cooperation with Administrative Senate, the Executive Committee shall develop a statement of goals and priorities annually.

Article 2:  Standing Committees

Committees are supervised by the Vice Chair of the Administrative Senate and the Chair of each committee. Each committee Chair is required to report to the Administrative Senate on the activities on a regular basis, and is expected to make recommendations to the Administrative Senate for approval.

The Standing Committees of the Administrative Senate shall be as follows:

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee shall review the Bylaws on an annual basis to address the changing needs of the Administrative Senate, to eliminate ambiguities, and shall suggest updates as appropriate.The Secretary of the Administrative Senate shall chair the Bylaws Committee.He or she, with the assistance of the committee as necessary, shall be responsible for assisting the Administrative Senate in interpreting the Bylaws and in suggesting resolutions to problems directed to it by the Administrative Senate.

Elections Committee

The Elections Committee shall be composed of three continuing senators appointed by the Executive Committee.The Elections Committee shall manage and oversee the annual elections process for senators and for the Administrative Senate officers.

Personnel/Policies Committee

The Personnel/Policies Committee shall address the relationship between administrators and the University as an employer. In particular, the committee shall review, study, and recommend Administrative Senate action in regard to such matters as performance, evaluation, and policies and procedures which affect the ability of administrators to function in their positions.

Professional Development

The Professional Development Committee shall address efforts to provide and encourage professional growth and development of administrators.

OUstanding Administrator Committee

The OUtstanding Administrator Committee shall manage and oversee the annual OUtstanding Administrator Award process. Committee members shall be responsible for soliciting nominations for the award, reviewing applications and interviewing references, and for recommending up to three award recipients to the University President. The committee Chair or his or her designee shall work with representatives of the Service Awards Committee on the annual OUtstanding Administrator/Service Awards Ceremony. Membership of this committee consists of a representative from each of the University Senates (Faculty, Classified, Graduate and Undergraduate); and five (5) administrators.

Service Awards Committee

The Service Awards Committee shall manage and oversee the annual recognition of administrators’ service milestones, beginning at 10 years and every five years thereafter, and of retirees. Committee members shall be responsible for reviewing and verifying administrators’ service records and securing appropriate mementoes to recognize their achievements. The committee Chair or his or her designee shall work with representatives of the OUtstanding Administrator Committee on the annual OUtstanding Administrator/Service Awards Ceremony.

Article 3:  Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committees may be established at any time by a majority vote at any Administrative Senate meeting. Any Ad Hoc Committee will be disbanded once its charge has been accomplished satisfactorily or its reason for functioning ceases to exist. Once an Ad Hoc Committee has existed for at least two full consecutive years, the Chair of the Administrative Senate may request that such committee be converted to a Standing Committee. The request must be approved by two-thirds of the Administrative Senate. At that time, the function of the new Standing Committee shall be described in the “Committees” section of the Bylaws.

Article 4:  University Committees

With the advice and consent of the Administrative Senate, the Chair shall submit nominations of representatives to serve on the University committees that require a representative from the administrative staff.  Representatives shall be drawn from those constituents of the Administrative Senate (including, but not exclusive to the senators) who indicate a desire to serve on a committee.

17. Rules of Procedure: Bylaws

Article 1:  Suspension of the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Administrative Senate who are present and voting at any meeting of the Administrative Senate, provided there is a quorum as defined in Section 9 of these bylaws.

Article 2:  Amendment of the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Administrative Senate who are present and voting at any meeting of the Administrative Senate, provided there is a quorum as defined in Section 9 of these bylaws.  Written notice of the proposed amendment must be presented to the Administrative Senate at least one meeting prior to the next scheduled meeting, at which time the motion can be considered.