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Theta Zeta

Wizards of OZ

The Theta Zeta “Wizards of OZ” have been as busy as ever. Before Winter Break we hosted our first ever Band Talent Show. It was a huge success with a great turnout in both the acts and audience. Over break, a few brothers were able to get together and go sledding. Recently we even had the great Marco Kractovich come stay with us. That was a great time for us and hopefully for him as we learned a lot about each other.

Our service skills have been well oiled lately. Our Jazz Band is going to Spain this summer and needed help with their fundraising so we joined in to help. The fundraiser was working at Brown’s home games. For every home game a few of our brothers volunteered to tag along in order for the Jazz Band members to have a few games off. Nothing brings you closer than the cold and selling nachos all day long.

The rumor of our services goes beyond the band. This year, the choir also enlisted our help in serving.
Several brothers are already involved in the choir, so bringing on a few extra was an easy transition. Here the job was once again serving food, only this time for the annual Madrigal Feaste. Instead of nachos, we served
meat and potatoes.

The upcoming semester looks to be just as busy. Pulitzer Prize winning composer Karel Husa is scheduled to conduct both the AU Concert Band and the University Choir on March 2. We are honored with his presence through our Resident Artist in Music Series grant. We also have our chapter’s 20 th Anniversary coming up on February 2, which also happens to be the first degree for our fourteen prospective members currently going through the education process.

Bethel Schiefer
Corresponding Secretary
Kappa Kappa Psi, Theta Zeta
Ashland University


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