Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Physics and Astronomy

Graduate study and research leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are offered in physics. The principal research activities of the department extend over planetary physics, relativity and cosmology, nuclear physics, ultrasonics, low temperature, and condensed matter physics. Both experimental and theoretical studies are in progress in most of these areas; there is also theoretical work in many-body problems, and nonlinear problems in classical and quantum physics; some incidental studies are done on science history. Special programs of graduate work outside these areas or fully interdisciplinary programs can, in appropriate cases, be devised to suit particular interests.

Students entering these degree programs are normally expected to have concluded successful undergraduate work in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics, and should also possess a working knowledge of mathematics comprising calculus, Fourier series, vector analysis, and the elements of partial differential equations. It is recommended that you take the Graduate Record Examination, including the advanced test for physics. Deficiencies of undergraduate preparation should not deter you if you have an otherwise good record, as these may be made up during your first year of graduate study.

The program of study is developed for you in close consultation with your faculty advisor. Emphasis is given both to individual needs and to general, broad requirements; early specialization is not encouraged. The following core courses are recommended to all students in their first two years of graduate study: 531, 601, 605-606, 607-609, 610-612, 613, 615-616, 623, and 735-736. Courses in related areas such as chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science are often included in the program. Participation in the weekly colloquium, 891, is required of all graduate students. Professionally useful coursework may also be done further afield, as in business administration, economics, or interpersonal communication.

The M.S. degree can be earned by submission of a research thesis with an oral examination. It can also be obtained under a nonthesis option, which requires satisfactory completion of a work project (laboratory assignment, literature, search, essay, etc., at two to six credits), and must include the courses 605, 606, 607-609, 610-612, 615, and 623 or their equivalents. The M.A. in physics is an option reserved for particular cases which may also call for substantial work in other fields; you must follow an approved program filed with the Physics Graduate Committee and submit a scholarly paper based on these studies for approval by at least two readers. For every master's degree, 45 graduate credits in physics and approved electives are required.

No fixed number of credits is required for the Ph.D., but you must first pass a comprehensive examination which consists of a written part and an oral part, usually taken toward the end of the second year of graduate study (the first year if you enter with an M.S. degree from a recognized U.S. institution). Doctoral research is conducted under the supervision of an advisor and reviewed periodically by your dissertation committee. A final oral examination is held on the subject matter of the dissertation.

The department's policy is to encourage students to acquire and develop some knowledge of those foreign languages which are commonly used in the literature of physics and related sciences. You will be guided by your advisor in the matter of which languages you could most usefully study.

There are no specific deadlines, but most applications for financial aid are received by March 1 and most offers are made by April 15. Most students enter the physics program in the fall; some also add the preceding summer session. Entry during the academic year is possible although not generally encouraged. For all details concerning graduate programs, write to the physics graduate committee.


Physics and Astronomy (PHYS) Courses

503 Digital Computing Methods in Physics (5)
Practical computer programming (FORTRAN, etc.) with special emphasis on problems in physics.

505 Mechanics (3-5)
Prereq: degree in area outside physics. For students with graduate rank, especially in multidisciplinary programs, whose preparation does not include equiv of 311.

506 Mechanics (3-5)
Prereq: degree in area outside physics. For students with graduate rank, especially in multidisciplinary programs, whose preparation does not include equiv of 312.

507 Electricity and Magnetism (3-5)
Prereq: degree in area outside physics. For students with graduate rank, especially in multidisciplinary programs, whose preparation does not include equiv of 427.

508 Electricity and Magnetism (3-5)
Prereq: degree in area outside physics. For students with graduate rank, especially in multidisciplinary programs, whose preparation does not include equiv of 428.

511 Thermodynamics (4)
First and second laws of thermodynamics, phase changes, and entropy. Temperature, thermodynamic variables, equations of state, heat engines. 3 lec, problems.

512 Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics (4)
Kinetic theory, transport phenomena, and introduction to classical and quantum statistics. 3 lec, problems.

520 Acoustics (3)
Vibration, sound radiation, sound propagation, and practical aspects of sound. 3 lec.

523 Optics (3-5)
Geometrical and physical optics. Reflection, refraction, lenses, polarization, birefringence, interference, diffraction, coherence, and selected introductory topics in modern optics. 3 lec, problems, 2 lab (optional).

529 Topics in Science for Elementary and Secondary Schools (1-5)
Selected topics related to the teaching of natural science in grades K-12. May be repeated for credit. May not be used for credit toward a physics degree.

531 Electronics Laboratory (3)
Experiments in electronic measurement techniques from simple AC and digital circuits to microprocessors and analyzers. 6 lab.

551 Quantum Physics (4)
Quantum effects in atomic and molecular physics, basic ideas of quantum mechanics, solutions to Schroedinger equation of simple systems. 3 lec, problems.

552 Quantum Physics (4)
Quantum effects in atomic physics, identical particles and Pauli principle, application of quantum mechanics to interpretation of atomic spectra and structure. 3 lec, problems.

553 Nuclear and Particle Physics (4)
Descriptive treatment of nuclear phenomena. Elementary theory of nucleon-nucleon interaction. Systematics of nuclear structure (shell model and collective model). Properties and interactions of fundamental particles. Devices and techniques of nuclear and high energy physics. 3 lec, problems.

571 Solid State Physics (4)
Fundamental properties of solid state of matter. 3 lec, problems.

575 Advanced Laboratory (1 hr per section, max 3)
Wide selection of experiments from many areas of physics. Limit of two students per section. Student may select up to three different sections each quarter.

601 Graduate Laboratory (1-4)
Selected experiments from all areas of physics requiring accurate measurements with refined apparatus.

602 Graduate Laboratory (1-4)
Continuation of 601. See 601 for description.

604 Experimental Techniques (1-5)
Laboratory in experimental safety and skills including machining, electronic projects, and experimental design.

605 Classical Mechanics (5)
Basic analytical techniques for point mass systems and rigid bodies in traditional and contemporary perspective; mathematical complements. 3 lec, intensive problems.

606 Classical Mechanics (5)
Continuation of 605. See 605 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

607 Electrodynamics (5)
Deductive development from Maxwell's equations, including recent advances; special theory of relativity and applications to charged particle problems; mathematical complements. 3 lec, intensive problems.

608 Electrodynamics (5)
Continuation of 607. See 607 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

609 Electrodynamics (5)
Continuation of 607-608. See 607 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

610 Quantum Mechanics (5)
Brief review of Schroedinger equation; elements of scattering theory, phase shift analysis, and Born approximation; operators, matrices, angular momentum, and spin; basic semi-classical, perturbation, and variational techniques; exchange and symmetry effects; atomic spectra and electromagnetic transitions; diverse applications; introduction to second quantization; mathematical complements. 3 lec, intensive problems.

611 Quantum Mechanics (5)
Continuation of 610. See 610 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

612 Quantum Mechanics (5)
Continuation of 610-611. See 610 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

613 Mathematical Physics Practicum (2)
Selected mathematical techniques important to physicists.

615 Mathematical Methods in Physics (5)
Contemporary and classical mathematics to complement basic graduate courses, particularly linear algebra, complex analysis, variational methods, generalized functions, differential and integral operators, and varied applications. 3 lec, intensive problems.

616 Mathematical Methods in Physics (5)
Continuation of 615. See 615 for description. 3 lec, intensive problems.

617 Methods of Theoretical Physics (3-5)
Selected advanced mathematical methods employed in theoretical physics. Group theory, linear operators, and partial differential equations treated at regular intervals.

619 Advanced Acoustics (2)
Interaction of ultrasonic waves with gaseous, liquid, and solid states of matter. 2 lec.

620 Advanced Acoustics (2)
Continuation of 619. See 619 for description. 2 lec.

623 Thermophysics (6)
Thermodynamical principles, potentials, and equilibrium criteria; ensembles, fluctuations, and partition functions; statistics of Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac, and Boltzmann; applications to ideal systems. 4 lec, intensive problems.

650 General Relativity (5)
Prereq: 429. Introduction to general relativity. Einstein's field equations, gravitational waves, singular solutions, elements of relativistic cosmology. 4 lec.

695 Thesis (as recommended by dept)
696 Special Study (1-15)
Supervised individual study at beginning grad level. Can be used for writing M.S. or M.A. paper.

720 Theoretical Acoustics (2)
Acoustic fields, scattering of acoustic waves, and acoustic wave propagation. 2 lec.

726 Introduction to Nuclear Physics (4)
Experimental and basic theoretical aspects of interactions of particles in matter. Elements of nuclear structure and nuclear reactions. 3 lec, problems.

727 Introduction to Nuclear Physics (4)
Continuation of 726. See 726 for description. 3 lec, problems.

731 Introduction to the Solid State (4)
Structure and thermal, electronic, and magnetic properties of solids. 3 lec, problems.

732 Introduction to the Solid State (4)
Continuation of 731. See 731 for description. 3 lec, problems.

733 Introduction to the Solid State (4)
Continuation of 731-732. See 731 for description. 3 lec, problems.

735 Quantum Theory (4)
Advanced problems in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Relativistic quantum mechanics: Dirac and Klein Gordon equations. Second quantization: diagrammatic techniques, applications. 3 lec, problems.
Staff; F; Y; 1992.

736 Quantum Theory (4)
Continuation of 735. See 735 for description. 3 lec, problems.

737 Quantum Field Theory (3)
Basic quantum field theory: quantum electrodynamics, introduction to gauge fields. 3 lec.
Staff; Sp; Y; 1993.

741 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2-4)
Selected topics.

742 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2-4)
Continuation of 741. See 741 for description.

744 Solid-State Theory (3)
Applications of quantum theory to perfect crystals and to imperfections in solids. 3 lec.

750 Introduction to Particle Physics (3)
Basic properties of subnuclear particles; relativistic kinematics; techniques of high energy physics; symmetry principles. 3 lec.

751 Particle Theory (3)
Theoretical formulations and current questions regarding nature of, and interactions between, subnuclear particles. 3 lec.

752 Particle Theory (3)
Continuation of 751. See 751 for description. 3 lec.

855 Nuclear Theory (3)
Theory of nuclear reactions and nuclear models. 3 lec.

856 Nuclear Theory (3)
Continuation of 855. See 855 for description. 3 lec.

871 Advanced Quantum Theory (3)
Selected topics. 3 lec.

875 Advanced Nuclear Theory (3)
Selected topics of current interest. 3 lec.

877 Advanced Solid-State Theory (3)
Selected topics. 3 lec.

891 Colloquium (1)
Selected topics of current interest. Required of all graduate students.

893 Seminar (1-4)
Thorough study of important area. Experimental techniques, classic experiments, and statistical methods discussed.

894 Special Topics (1-4)
Lectures on special topics such as optical physics, continuum mechanics, advanced quantum theory, or other subjects not specified under regular course headings.

895 Doctoral Research and Dissertation (as recommended by dept)

896 Special Study (1-15)
Supervised individual study in preparation for research.

897 Research Seminar (1-4)
Intensive study of selected subjects by special groups: (A) nuclear; (B) high energy; (C) acoustics; (D) solid state; (E) theoretical.

899 Problems in College Teaching (1-3)
For all graduate students assigned to teaching duties.

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University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (http://www.ohiou.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/physics.html) April 13, 1998.

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