Policy updates and historic record available on Administrative Policy Manual website


Ohio University employees are able to stay informed of the latest policy news through the Ohio University Administrative Policy Manual website located at https://www.ohio.edu/policy.

The online manual is an organic document that is frequently updated with new information. 

It is also a link on the employee web page. Be sure to bookmark one of these pages to easily access policy information. 

Before any new, revised or withdrawn policy is approved by the University’s President, it is subjected to a formal review process.

The Executive Staff Policy Committee authorizes active revision of existing policies and creation of new policies. Policy drafts along with the reviewers' comments are available on the website in the “Active Index” section of the password-protected Policy Management OneDrive page.

After the policy is officially approved or withdrawn from the Administrative Policy Manual, University Communications and Marketing announces it in its weekly Compassand Ohio Employee Newspublications and posts the article on the Compass website [https: www.ohio.edu/compass].   

The Administrative Policy Manual website is comprised of five easy to navigate pages. 

The “About the Online Manual” [https://www.ohio.edu/policy/about] page explains how the document was developed and is maintained. It also includes the history of the University committees, task forces and individuals who have been instrumental with updating and maintaining it since its creation.

The “Categorical Index” [https://www.ohio.edu/policy/categorical-index] and “Numerical Index” [https://www.ohio.edu/policy/numerical-index] pages list the policies in numerical order within seven categories. The categories are: General Subjects; Academic Matters; Student Matters; University Development and Planning Matters; Administrative Matters; Business Matters and Information Technology Matters.

The “Alphabetical Index” [https://www.ohio.edu/policy/alphabetical-index] page lists the current policies in alphabetical order. 

The “Policy Management” OneDrive page [https://catmailohio.sharepoint.com/sites/PolicyManagement] provides:

  • Important resource material for policy initiators, including drafting, submitting and re-approval policy guidelines and Senate Bill 3 requirements
  • Current state of all active (pending) policies in the “Active Index” section
  • History of all current and withdrawn policies 

For more information or comments about Ohio University policies, contact Miranda L. West, legal policy and compliance coordinator in the Office of Legal Affairs, at westm2@ohio.edu or 740-593-2625.

July 18, 2019
George E. Mauzy Jr.